Joel K. Pettersson 40144dec19 Replace "seed(x)" with "$seed" magic variable.
Language changes:
 * Numerical expressions. Replace `seed(x)` with `$seed` magic
   variable, which composes with the non-overriding assignment
   feature for simple cli setting and script handling of seed.
   [Add backward-compatibility deprecated `seed(x)` function.]

Old scripts can usually be updated with one of the below regex
options -- the 2nd will use '?=' assignment to allow override.

`perl -pi -e "s/\\/seed/\\\$seed=/g;" paths...`
`perl -pi -e "s/\\/seed/\\\$seed\\?=/g;" paths...`
2024-06-01 17:22:03 +02:00

720 lines
34 KiB

SAU language reference
SAU (Scriptable AUdio) is a simple and non-Turing-complete
language for mathematical audio synthesis,
without support for the use of pre-recorded samples.
The core idea of the language is that of time-ordered steps for
configuring audio generation: add an oscillator, then later,
change a parameter and extend play duration, etc. A script is
basically a list of such timed instructions. Language constructs
also offer more flexible arrangement of steps to take than a
bare flat list of instructions and forward time movement.
The syntax is a bit terse and unusual. It uses one-character
keywords with or without an argument, followed by zero or more
parameters with arguments. Each main keyword provides an action,
either at run time (like a function call in other languages),
or at parse time (like a global script setting).
The keywords "W", "R", and "N" are type names for
signal generators, and are used to add instances of them --
respectively: wave oscillators, random segments oscillators,
and plain noise generators. Such objects can be connected for
modulation. Together with the timing logic and parameters,
these are the core features of the language.
Keyword parameters may either be set (by writing the name,
followed by immediately writing their argument(s)), or left out
to use the previous value or a default value. Some default values
can be changed using the S (Script options) parse-time action.
Modifiers are somewhat like keywords, but use another character
than a letter as a name. They are used alongside the keywords to
adjust time placement. They are simpler and more flexible in how
they may be used.
The flow of time and the nesting of scopes are like two dimensions
in which things are arranged. For altering the time-arrangement,
see 'Timing'; that includes sub-steps, which are considered part
of the same larger step involving the same reference to an object.
Beginning a new step, by introducing a new object or new reference
to an object, terminates the previous when done in the same scope.
The global level of a script is a top scope containing objects and
steps for them. Each list ("[...]") is a similar subscope. What is
written for an object inside a list is a step in the inner scope,
with timing connected to the outer scope. Termination of an inner
step does not terminate any outer it is related to (i.e. nesting).
Each of these keywords is further described in its own section below.
S Script options (parameter default value or other);
runs during parsing. Changes made inside a
nested list scope don't apply outside of it.
N Noise generator -- "N", optionally followed by
the initial "Noise type" value, e.g. "Nre".
R Random segments oscillator -- "R", optionally followed
by the initial "Line types" value, e.g. "Rlin".
W Wave oscillator -- "W", optionally followed
by the initial "Wave types" value, e.g. "Wtri".
S: Script options
Set parameter default value or other option; runs during parsing.
Changes made inside a nested list scope don't apply outside of it.
Usage: "S", followed by zero or more whitespace-separated parameters,
each with a value.
a Multiplier for amplitude "a" values after, in the current
scope of "[]" nesting. Starts at 1.0. The multiplier also
applies to "a.r" values, and to the multiplier in any deeper
main "a[]" modulator list. It does not apply to other nested
lists for modulators; their multipliers apply unchanged.
.m Script-wide gain mix control (multiplier). If used,
this disables automatic down-scaling of amplitude
by the number of voices (max carrier audio generators
simultaneously producing signals), for manual control
instead. Can only be set in the outermost scope.
c Default channel mixing "c" value. Starts at 0.0,
i.e. C (center). Useful as a main way of setting
the parameter value.
f Default frequency "f" value, in Hz. Starts at 440.
.k Key selection for "f" values using note syntax,
default C4. Mainly changes the default and relative
octave. Can be C, D, E, F, G, A, or B, with or
without one of 'b'/'f' (flat), 's' (sharp),
'd' (half-flat), 'z' (half-sharp),
'v' (flat-and-a-half), 'k' (sharp-and-a-half),
'w' (double-flat), or 'x' (double-sharp) --
and/or an octave number (0-10) to move the default
from a 4-5 range to one of the number to the number
plus one.
.n A4 tuning frequency in Hz for "f" values
using note syntax. Starts at 440.
For example, use "S f.n432" for 432 Hz.
.s Tuning system, either 'e' (24-EDO, default),
'p' (Pythagorean JI), 'c' (classic 5-limit JI),
or 'j' (SAU 7-limit JI).
r Default relative frequency "r" value, a
modulator:carrier ratio. Starts at 1 (1/1, a "1:1" ratio).
t Default short definite time "t" value, in seconds.
Default times may be longer (and occasionally shorter)
depending on the context. Starts at 1.0.
Signal generator common parameters
Generator universal parameters:
Named parameters common to all generator types -- "N", "R", and "W".
a Amplitude, where 1.0 corresponds to a level of 0 dB and
0.0 is silence. (Note that the "S a" option can be used to
set a multiplier for this value. Further options affect mixing
and the final output level afterwards; this includes panning,
which reduces output level unless fully left or right.)
Can be negative to flip the sign of the signal.
"Value sweep" values are supported; see section.
"Modulation with value range" is supported for AM & RM
(amplitude and ring modulation); see section.
c (For non-nested generators only.) Channel mixing, mainly
(-1.0) to 1.0. See "Channel mixing values" for more.
"Value sweep" values are supported; see section.
"Modulator list" values are supported for panning-AM
(stereo placement amplitude modulation); see section. The sum
of modulator amplitudes is added to the channel mixing used.
(If you downmix the result to mono the effect will disappear.)
t Time duration in seconds. If no "t" setting is given, the
time set depends on the context.
For a single non-nested generator, 1.0 is used unless
the default value is changed with "S t".
When several generators are specified, the default
time is based on the longest remaining (at the current time)
duration of play in use for any step at the current level,
in considering the surrounding sequence of steps and delays
(up to the next '|' time separator, or to the end of the
script if none).
The default time lengthens further when modulators
with longer definite times are specified for the current step.
For modulator generators, default time is however an
"implicit" time length (see 'i' below), meaning playing
whenever a carrier it is linked to does. (Implicit time is
only supported for nested generators.) When such a time
length is retrieved as part of setting the default time for
something else, a definite default time in seconds (e.g. 1
second) is however used instead.
For a compound step, the first sub-step is however
simply given the "S t" default value if no time is set.
The following sub-steps in turn each have the time of the
previous as its default time. The exception is modulators,
for which the last sub-step has implicit time ('i', "ti")
by default, just like for undivided steps for modulators.
Special non-number literals can also specify time:
d Definite default time can be set using "td", always.
i Implicit time can be set using "ti", for modulators.
Oscillator common parameters:
Named parameters common to types "R" and "W".
They also have the "Generator universal parameters".
f Frequency in Hz. Can be negative to flip wave shape timewise.
"Value sweep" values are supported; see section.
"Modulation with value range" is supported for FM
(frequency modulation); see section. Note that the modulator
lists for "f" and "r" expressions are shared and identical.
r (For modulator generators only.) Relative frequency, a value
which will be multiplied by the frequency of closest carrier
in the chain for the modulator, to give the frequency to use.
For an n:m modulator:carrier frequency ratio, a value of the
form (n/m) may be used; e.g., for a 4:3 frequency ratio,
When using "r" the same values are changed as when
using "f", the difference simply being whether multiplication
by carrier frequency is switched on or off. Specific values
like the main value or the ".r" second value can be set again
under "f" or "r" to toggle just that value.
"Value sweep" values are supported; see section.
"Modulation with value range" is supported for FM
(frequency modulation); see section. Note that the modulator
lists for "f" and "r" expressions are shared and identical.
Note that for FM modulators, the carrier frequency
used as a multiplier is simply the unmodulated value. (If
several types of FM list are set and used at the same time,
the result of earlier stages will be used for later.) For
other kinds of modulation, if FM is done the result is used.
p Phase in percentage of the wave cycle modulo 1.0. Set to
reset the phase, e.g. to change the initial value from 0.0.
See "Phase values" for more.
"Modulator list" values are supported for PM (phase
modulation); see section. A phase percentage value can be set
together with a list in one go, the value then going first
after the 'p', for example "p0.25[...]". A subparameter can
be used instead or in addition for another kind of PM.
.f Frequency-amplified PM modulators can be set in a
separate list, as in "p.f[...]". See "Modulator list".
The sum of all PM modulator amplitudes will phase-modulate
the carrier(s). For frequency-amplified PM modulators, first
the amplitudes are multiplied by the carrier frequency divided
by 632.45... Hz (the geometric mean of 20 and 20000 Hz).
N: Noise generator
A plain noise generator, which outputs noise sample pairs at Nyquist
frequency, producing a selected noise color and distribution.
As a signal generator, if not enclosed within a "[]" list, then
it will run and output at the current time, for its duration.
Note that non-white noise has a sample-rate dependent sound, when
generated at maximum rate as with this generator. For consistent
noise at a per-sound rate of your choice, other means are needed.
A violet noise that always peaks at a frequency of your choice can use
the "R" oscillator with mode "mv", and the chosen frequency set to "f".
Usage "N", optionally followed by the noise type (e.g. "Nre"),
by default the same as "Nwh". Followed by zero or more
whitespace-separated parameters, each with a value.
See "Noise types" for the available noise types.
The "N" noise generator has the
"Generator universal parameters", and additionally:
n Noise type -- see "Noise types" for values.
Noise types:
wh Uniform white noise.
gw Gaussian white noise, soft-saturated.
bw Binary white noise.
tw Ternary smooth white noise. Every other sample is zero.
re Red/brown noise based on uniform white noise.
vi Violet noise based on uniform white noise.
bv Binary violet noise. Differentiated 'tw' noise.
R: Random segments oscillator
Value noise oscillator, connecting random values generated at a frequency
with line segments of a selected shape. Two random values and line segments
are generated each "cycle", so that the base frequency matches that of
a wave oscillator -- though the spectrum otherwise differs in most modes.
As a signal generator, if not enclosed within a "[]" list, then
it will run and output at the current time, for its duration.
Usage: "R", optionally followed by a line type (e.g. "Rlin"),
by the default the same as "Rcos". Followed by zero or more
whitespace-separated parameters, each with a value. Several
'm' modes are available, for several types of random
distribution, as well as a naive oscillator mode.
See "Line types" for the available line types.
The "$seed" magic variable changes
the starting seed of new "R" instances.
The "R" random segments oscillator has the
"Oscillator common parameters", and additionally:
l Line type -- see "Line types" for values.
m Mode for line start and goal value variation; consists of
a letter (random function) and a digit (0-9 shaping level);
one or both may be set at a time; the default level is '9'.
Roughly, each level above 0 halves what remains of the
unshaped underlying randomness. The functions are...
r Uniform random (default). Ignores the level setting.
g Gaussian random, soft-saturated approximation. On
average ~6 dB quieter. Ignores the level setting.
b Binary random. Extreme levels, more repetitive runs.
t Ternary smooth random. Never repeats twice in a row;
cycles above or below zero, randomly flips polarity.
f Fixed cycle. Plain naive oscillator at the top level;
below it, mixed with randomness at reduced amplitude.
In addition to the function and level, these flags can be set.
h Half-shape waveform. Use with 'lin' for a decreasing
sawtooth instead of a triangle wave; similarly changes
the shape for all line types and randomness modes.
s Square, then restore sign, of the start/goal values.
Turns uniform value variation into uniform energy
variation; somewhat quieter, and more tremulant.
Doesn't affect 'b', 't', nor 'f' with level '9'.
Distorts 'v' violet noise toward white, as if mixed.
v Violet rather than white noise version of the function
if available; missing for 'g' and 't'. Like high-pass
filtering the lower end of the noise, 6 dB per octave.
z Zig-zag flip. Swap ends of each half-cycle, adding an
inharmonic waveform jaggedness unless using 'h', or
'f' level '9'; more difference from these adds larger
sharp steps. Always flips the waveform top and bottom.
Line types:
Half cosine (S-curve) trajectory over time.
Linear trajectory over time.
Sample and hold until time (then jump to goal).
Steep "exp(x)-1"-like increase or decrease.
Steep "log(x+1)"-like increase or decrease.
Exponential shape envelope (saturate or decay).
Logarithmic shape envelope (saturate or decay).
Square polynomial envelope (saturate or decay).
Cubic polynomial segment (-1 to +1) trajectory.
Noise camel line; softer, two noise bulges.
Noise hump line; harder, one broad noise bulge.
Uniform random white noise in start-goal range.
The 'exp' and 'log' shapes use ear-tuned polynomial
approximations with definite beginnings and ends,
designed to sound natural for frequency sweeping,
and symmetric one to the other. The 'xpe' shape increases
like 'log' and decreases like 'exp', much like a capacitor
charges and discharges, natural-sounding for an envelope;
and 'lge' increases like 'exp' and decreases like 'log'.
For a less-steep alternative to 'xpe', 'sqe' can be used.
The 'cos' shape sounds similar to 'lin', except it has a
smoothly curved start and stop, and a steeper middle.
W: Wave oscillator
Wave oscillator. The sine variety is a fairly typical "FM synth operator".
Producing a (weakly) anti-aliased signal, including for FM/PM, amplitude
can be a little lower for frequencies close to half the sample rate.
As a signal generator, if not enclosed within a "[]" list, then
it will run and output at the current time, for its duration.
Usage: "W", optionally followed by a wave type (e.g. "Wtri"),
by the default the same as "Wsin". Followed by zero or more
whitespace-separated parameters, each with a value.
See "Wave types" for the available wave types.
The "W" wave oscillator has the
"Oscillator common parameters", and additionally:
w Wave type -- see "Wave types" for values.
Wave types:
Beyond 'sin', there's 3 times 3 complementary wave types, in terms
of the added harmonics (odd, even, or all), and mellow vs. bright.
Additionally, there's 2 more, listed after these first 10.
Sine. For cosine, set phase 'p' to 1/4.
Mellow odd-harmonics wave.
Opposite of 'ean' relative to 'par'.
Square root of sine. (Mirrored for the negative half.)
Medium-bright odd-harmonics wave.
Opposite of 'cat' relative to 'hsr'.
Bright odd-harmonics wave.
Opposite of 'eto' relative to 'saw'.
Mellow even-harmonics wave.
Opposite of 'tri' relative to 'par'.
To begin at 0.0 amplitude, set phase 'p' to 6/93.
Medium-bright even-harmonics wave.
Opposite of 'srs' relative to 'hsr'.
To begin at 0.0 amplitude, set phase 'p' to 1/16.
Bright even-harmonics wave.
Opposite of 'sqr' relative to 'saw'.
Parabola. (x^2, steep part up.)
Mellow all-harmonics wave.
Between 'tri' and 'ean'.
To begin at 0.0 amplitude, set phase 'p' to 9/87.
Mellowtooth. (Half-rectified 'srs', amplitude doubled.)
Medium-bright all-harmonics wave.
Between 'srs' and 'cat'.
To begin at 0.0 amplitude, set phase 'p' to 1/25.
Bright all-harmonics wave.
Decreasing slope; use negative amplitude
or frequency (but not both) for increasing slope.
Between 'sqr' and 'eto'.
Half-rectified sine. (Amplitude doubled.)
Like a somewhat louder 'ean', harmonics decreasing as fast.
To begin at 0.0 amplitude, set phase 'p' to 1/12.
Sine parabola. (First half, amplitude doubled.)
Slightly cleaner than 'par'. Mainly useful for modulation.
To begin at 0.0 amplitude, set phase 'p' to -1/12.
Values and expressions
Whitespace is not allowed within multi-character names, keywords or
numbers, and separates values. Spaces and tabs may otherwise be used or
omitted anywhere.
Comment syntax:
"//" (C++-comment) comments out the rest of the line.
"/*" (C-comment) comments out text until the next "*/". Does not nest.
"#!" (Shebang) comments out the rest of the line.
"#Q" (Quit file) comments out the rest of the whole file.
Numerical expressions:
A number can be specified with or without a decimal point;
for a number with a decimal point, a leading zero can be omitted.
Number signs and arithmetic operation symbols can be used in infix
expressions, together with numbers and named constants, variables,
and functions. But unless something is written within parentheses,
it cannot contain any whitespace, as it ends the expression. For
example, "-1" is fine, but "- 1" is a dangling minus followed by
a dangling number 1, if not inside parentheses as "(- 1)".
The following operations are recognized, and grouped below by
priority (nested parentheses can be used to change evaluation order):
^ To the power of (right-associative)
* / % Multiplication, division, remainder
+ - Addition, subtraction
Parentheses also allow shorthand multiplication (leaving out a
"*" between two parts), e.g. "2(3)" and "(2)3" both give "6".
Some parameters support named constants specific to that type
of value, like "Frequencies as notes", "Channel mixing values", and
others. Such a name can be written instead of a number.
The following universal mathematical symbols (functions and
constants) can also be used in any numerical expression; functions
require parentheses after the name (and most often require a value
inside), while constants are simply written as names:
abs(x) Absolute value.
cos(x) Cosine of value.
exp(x) Base-e exponential value.
log(x) Natural logarithmic value.
met(x) Metallic value, e.g. "met(1)" gives the golden ratio.
Positive integers give the series of metallic ratios.
Other values are also allowed: fractional, 0 giving 1
and negative (gives how much the positive value would
be increased, approaching zero further from zero).
Note that met(-x) is also equal to (1/met(x)).
mf 632.45... Geometric mean of 20 and 20000.
pi 3.1415...
rand() Pseudo-random number in range 0-1. The value sequence
from a series of calls restarts each new script unit.
The PRNG is seeded using the magic variable, "$seed".
rint(x) Round value to the nearest integer. Halfway cases are
rounded to the nearest even integer.
sin(x) Sine of value.
sqrt(x) Square root.
time() Get a system timestamp number changed each second.
It can be used for seeding in a randomized script.
(Note that the exact value is platform-dependent.)
If disabled (deterministic mode), instead gives 0.
Channel mixing values:
Panning, where 0.0 is centered. Named constants can be used in place
of numbers for the three classic channel "modes". Values outside the
range of L to R are allowed, amplifying one channel while giving the
other a negative amplitude.
C 0.0
L (-1.0)
R 1.0
Phase values:
Phase offset as a percentage of the wave cycle. Any value will be used
modulo 1.0. For example, (1/4) turns sine into cosine. Named constants
provide scaled angles which can be used in expressions, e.g. (G*n) for
some whole number n makes for the nth leaf-around-a-stem angle.
G 0.3819... (golden angle as cycle percentage)
Value sweep:
To sweep a parameter which supports sweep subparameters towards a
goal value -- the ordinary value being the start for a trajectory --
following the ordinary value or by itself, the following value sweep
subparameters can be given values prior to any objects within a new
"[]" list. For example, "f[g220]" sweeps frequency to 220 Hz over a
default time.
g Goal (go-to) value, assigned to the parameter after time.
This value has no default and must be provided. If changed
again before the full time, the current point reached on the
previous trajectory will be used to change the start value.
l Line fill shape (default 'lin', or the previous shape if any)
-- see "Line types" for values.
t Time to reach goal (default is the external "t" duration,
or the remaining previous time, if any, for this parameter).
If longer than the active time for the object which has the
swept parameter, the trajectory will be left unfinished.
v Start (state) value, the ordinary parameter value.
It can alternatively be set here after a 'v',
if not set before the enclosing "[]".
Modulator list:
Within "[]", written after the name of a parameter that supports it,
signal generators can be included for use with that parameter. For
example, for PM the phase parameter 'p' is assigned a list as in
"p[...]". It works the same for other parameters such as 'a'
(for AM/RM) and 'f' (for FM), and subparameters such as 'a,w', etc.
Assigning a list to a parameter will append the new list to
any old one, expanding it rather than replacing the old items. Thus
"p[]" changes nothing. To clear old items when setting a list, add
'-' before the '[', as in "p-[]" (which removes all PM modulators).
Lists can be assigned together with other values (numbers)
for various parameters. For the whole expression beginning with the
parameter name, whitespace can only be placed inside list brackets
(or inside parentheses for any numerical expressions).
"Value sweep" for a parameter can use the same list as one
which contains modulators; the modulators simply need to be listed
after any sweep subparameters (see section) which head the list.
It's also possible to write multiple lists directly after
one another when setting to a parameter (with or without the one
leading '-'). These lists will be joined into one, meaning that
"[X][Y]" for some contents "X" and "Y" is the same as "[X Y]".
This also allows placing sweep subparameters in a later list.
Modulation with value range:
Amplitude ('a'), frequency ('f'), and relative frequency ('r')
parameters all support modulation of the parameter values in the
same ways. For amplitude, whether the result is called amplitude
modulation (AM), or ring modulation (RM), depends on how carrier
and modulator amplitude are set up relative to one another. (For
frequency modulation, the result is however always the "real FM"
related to yet distinct from PM, whenever modulation happens.)
Following a parameter name and optionally its main value(s),
lists can be used (see "Modulator list") to assign modulators whose
amplitudes are simply added to the main value. For example "a0[...]"
will set amplitude to 0, and the modulators within "[...]" will have
the effect of ring modulating, while with "a1" set the result is AM.
A subparameter can be used instead or in addition, to set up
modulation in a complementary way (the whole larger argument, for
example "f200.r(200 * 2)[...]", cannot contain any whitespace
outside of parentheses or brackets):
.r Following a main parameter name and optionally the things
mentioned above, under ".r" a subparameter with a second
value can be set. This second value is the other boundary
for a range to which modulator amplitudes can be mapped;
it has no other uses, and defaults to 0.0. "Value sweep" is
also supported for this subparameter whenever for the main.
After a value or by itself, lists can be used (see
"Modulator list"). Each modulator here produces a result in
the range of 0.0 to 1.0 (i.e. a positive signal) multiplied
by its amplitude (with a default of 1.0). However, a negative
amplitude multiplier can be used to switch the top and bottom
of the 0.0 to 1.0 range, and is then used as if positive.
When several modulators are used for this, their
outputs are multiplied. The product of outputs is mapped to
a range where 0.0 is matched to the main value, and 1.0 to
the second. Using more modulators thus adds a bias towards
the main value. Furthermore, changing amplitude multipliers
for modulators from the default can change the range.
To use this for classic 100% modulation depth AM,
one of the bounds should be 0.0 (like the default for the
second value); while for classic RM, the two bounds should
have the same magnitude, but with opposite sign.
If this type of modulation is used, it is done first
and the output from the other, main additive modulator list
is then added to the result.
Parameters and object binding:
When specifying or referencing objects within "@[...]", any
parameters set following the closing ']' will be bound to and apply
to all of them.
Significantly, this allows multiple carriers (given within
the []) to be linked to the same modulator(s), whether for FM, PM,
or AM/RM. (Note: Support for this is experimental and incomplete.)
Variables hold numbers and can be used in numerical expressions.
They can be assigned to several times.
To assign a number, "$name=" can be written, immediately
followed by a numerical expression. The name is case-sensitive and
can have any sequence of alphanumeric characters and/or '_'. Once
assigned, "$name" can be used in any numerical expression after.
(This includes expressions used to give the variable a new value.)
Whitespace is allowed both before and after the '='.
Alternatively, a non-overriding numerical assignment (mostly
useful for passing options to a script) uses '?=' in place of '='.
This means that the assignment is done only if the variable didn't
hold a number, otherwise the assignment is ignored (and no functions
in the expression are called then, meaning it has no side effects).
The '?' can instead be written before the variable name, "$?name=",
to warn if it wasn't already set. "$?name" by itself instead makes
passing a value a hard requirement, the script otherwise not running.
Numerical expressions for some named parameters can use
context-sensitive constants; to also allow their use when assigning a
variable, one of the below parameter namespace names can be added
after the '='. Between it and any number or mathematical name after
must be whitespace and/or a mathematical symbol, to keep names apart.
For example, "$freq=f A4" has the frequency value of the note "A4".
c Channel mixing values
f Frequencies as notes
p Phase values
Built-in magic variables exist that perform a procedure when
set, beyond holding a value. Like other variables, the initial values
can be changed by passing options to a script to assign variables.
$seed Set to reset the rand() value sequence; defaults to 0
if no value was passed to the script. Does not hold a
number when checked unless a value was passed or set,
allowing non-overriding assignments, like "$seed?=1".
Keeps the last value set; "$seed=$seed" later resets.
(Every bit counts; different expressions for the same
number, with e.g. rounding may give different seeds.)
Labels for objects:
To label an object, "'name " can be written just before it is added
or referenced. The name is case-sensitive and can have any sequence
of alphanumeric characters and/or '_'. The name can then be used to
refer back to the object as "@name", starting a new step for it.
A new "@name" step differs in not automatically setting a new
time duration for the object, so "t" (see "Parameters") or other
time-altering syntax (see "Timing") must be used in order for the
old time duration value to be changed.
Note that a "@name" reference placed in a nesting scope
different from the original (e.g. outside a list, or in a new list)
does not move the object into the new nesting scope. It will not be
added to, nor removed from, any list by being referenced anywhere.
The time scope is however new and of the reference.
Frequencies as notes:
Frequency values may be specified as notes. The "S f.n" option
sets the A4 tuning frequency, by default 440 Hz. The tuning system
can also be changed using "S f.s".
By default, notes use the 24-tone equal temperament or equal
divisons of the octave (24-EDO) system, a superset of 12-EDO. There
are also three justly intoned systems (Pythagorean JI, classic
5-limit JI, SAU 7-limit JI), in all of which each of the 7 notes
have a natural, 3 flat, and 3 sharp variations, all of them unique.
Each note is written with a C, D, E, F, G, A, or B. As a
first optional suffix, a 'b'/'f' (flat) or 's' (sharp) can be added --
or a quartertone alternative: 'd' (half-flat), 'z' (half-sharp),
'v' (flat-and-a-half), or 'k' (sharp-and-a-half). There's also
'w' (double-flat) and 'x' (double-sharp). The flats and sharps
differ for EDO and the three JI systems -- making a smaller
difference in the JI systems than for EDO, except for the
Pythagorean JI which very slighly exaggerates it instead.
An octave number (0-10) can be written as a final suffix,
e.g. "A5" matches twice the tuning frequency, "Ad5" a little below
that. With no number, the octave for the note will be relative to the
key setting ("S f.k"), and by default 4-5, so that the note set for
the selected key is also the lowest using the low default octave.
To access more octaves from a relative position, add arithmetic.
Another means of microtonal variation is a subnote prefix
for "inner octave" placement, optionally added first: c, d, e, f,
g, a, or b. (It can be combined with any other options.) The result
is moving the tone, part of the distance from the diatonic note used
to that above it. I.e., "cC" is the same as only "C", but "dC" moves
up one subnote step towards "D", "eC" another step, and so on. (What
about "eCs"? It likewise moves two subnote steps from "Cs" towards
"Ds", as the 's' is applied in addition.) If the diatonic part of the
key selected is not C, this small letter scale rotates with it. In
just intonation, the frequency increases apply rational fractions.
Timing modifiers:
| Time separator. Delays all that follows by the duration of
prior steps. This also resets any other delays to be added
to later steps using other syntax like '/', so such should
be placed after, not before, if it is to take effect.
/number Forward shift, time in seconds. Delay the next step and
all steps placed after. The next step can be either a
split-out continuation of the current step, or new.
Does not automatically extend time duration on
splitting a step, unlike ';'.
Compound steps:
For a step written for some object, timing can be changed locally,
within only the step and for lists nested under it. Two varieties
of the ';' sub-step separator allow this. Their use can be repeated.
; The numberless ';' step split can be written after a step for
an object (on a new line or the same), to specify a new time
duration and new parameter arguments which apply just after
the previous time duration. The new duration generally has
the length of the previous by default. (For the default time
of the first sub-step, and special handling for the last, see
"t" under each "Parameters" for more).
The time handling is designed to simplify writing a
sequence of connected, non-overlapping timed updates for a
single object. For example (three frequencies, one a second):
"Wsin f100 t1; f200; f300". Changing "t1" in this example
changes the time length for all three parts.
For more flexibility, especially for adding "silent"
gaps between parts, the numberless ';' can be combined with,
or replaced by, the ';number' gapshift. Combination is easy,
as "; ;number" will subdivide and shift the second sub-step
by "number" of seconds, and move the active time duration for
the second sub-step past the second split, creating a gap
"number" of seconds long. For example (1 second of silence
between frequency changes): "Wsin f100 t1;;1 f200;;1 f300".
;number Gapshift, time in seconds. When a number immediately follows
the ';', then the new sub-step is placed in time that number
of seconds after the previous, instead of after the duration
of the previous. Depending on usage, may move, alternatively
extend, the current sound in time.
For ease of adding silent time padding, before the
";number" part (but not after it) the default time duration
is changed to 0, so that any time value automatically set
there will be 0. After the ";number" part, a time value is
always set, the last "t" or default (before zeroing) value.
Several uses of ";number" to separate sub-steps in
a row (no numberless ';' in-between!) will only zero the
default time before the first ";number", allowing e.g. to
extend the whole time rather than to move it by adding a
leading ";0" before another ";number".