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jack_oscrolloscope @apps:all
5 Hits, Last modified:
======jack_oscrolloscope====== {{metacard>}} Simple waveform viewer for JACK. The waveform is displayed i... rough JACK's input port. {{tag>effects_processors scopes jack}} ~~META:title=jack_oscrolloscope~~ ~~META:desc=realtime waveform viewer~~ ~~META:link= ~~META:screenshot=
Oscilloscope @apps:all
5 Hits, Last modified:
======Oscilloscope====== {{metacard>}} scope plugin with two channels, controllable trigger, time resolution, separate ampl... {{tag>lv2_plugins dssi_plugins effects_processors scopes}} ~~META:title=Oscilloscope~~ ~~META:desc=LV2 scope plugin with two channels, controllable trigger, tim
Effects LV2/LADSPA/LinuxVST
3 Hits, Last modified:
erb_delay -development -dead_link}} ===== Meters/Scopes ===== {{topic>effects_processors +scopes -development -dead_link}} ===== Multi-Effect Collection ===== {{topic>effects_processors -scopes -filters -pitch_effect -reverb_delay -for_guitar
The one page 5/5 @apps:list
3 Hits, Last modified:
]** {{topic>Samples_Loops_and_MIDI_Files}} ===== Scopes and Realtime Visualizers ===== **[[lad:categories:scopes_and_realtime_visualizers|Category List]]** {{topic>Scopes_and_Realtime_Visualizers}} ===== Score Recognit
YASS @apps:all
3 Hits, Last modified:
===YASS====== {{metacard>}} Yet Another Scrolling Scope. Main features: up to 32 channels, variable scrol... light on CPU usage. {{tag>Jack effects_processors scopes}} ~~META:title=YASS~~ ~~META:desc=yet another scrolling scope~~ ~~META:link=
The one page @apps:list
3 Hits, Last modified:
]** {{topic>Samples_Loops_and_MIDI_Files}} ===== Scopes and Realtime Visualizers ===== **[[lad:categories:scopes_and_realtime_visualizers|Category List]]** {{topic>Scopes_and_Realtime_Visualizers}} ===== Score Recognit
Waterfall @apps:all
2 Hits, Last modified:
analyzer for XMMS ~~ ~~META:link= ~~META:screenshot= ~~META:author=Seth Golub~~ ~~M
Linux Studio Plugins Project @apps:all
2 Hits, Last modified:
tiband Gate * Multiband Compressor * Oscilloscope * Parametric Equalizer * Phase Detector ... {{tag>effects_processors softsynths_and_samplers Scopes reverb_delay softsynths_and_samplers filters ja
Scopes/Meters @apps:categories
2 Hits, Last modified:
====== Scopes/Meters ====== {{topic>scopes}}
JACK Bitscope @apps:all
1 Hits, Last modified:
~REDIRECT>apps:all:jack_bitmeter~~ ======JACK Bitscope====== Since version 1.2 this application is calle
Freq51 @apps:all
1 Hits, Last modified:
icates frequencies as musical note-names \\ {{tag>scopes unmaintained effects_processors}} ~~META:title=F
japa @apps:all
1 Hits, Last modified:
ion of PA systems. {{tag>JACK effects_processors scopes}} ~~META:title=japa~~ ~~META:desc='perceptual'
Alsa-Nyser @apps:all
1 Hits, Last modified:
frequency in stereo mode) * Stereo Meters {{tag>Scopes}} ~~META:title=Alsa-Nyser~~ ~~META:desc=Real-tim
KGuiTune @apps:all
1 Hits, Last modified:
displays it on a note scale graphic and an oscilloscope. It supports normal, Wien, and physical tuning~~
ebumeter @apps:all
1 Hits, Last modified:
sure audio files is provided as well. {{tag>JACK scopes effects_processors}} ~~META:title=ebumeter~~ ~~M
Pitchtune @apps:all
1 Hits, Last modified:
BEAST/BSE @apps:all
1 Hits, Last modified:
baudline @apps:all
1 Hits, Last modified:
jkmeter @apps:all
1 Hits, Last modified: