====== B.Choppr ====== {{metacard>}} B.Choppr cuts the audio input stream into a repeated sequence of up to 16 chops. Each chop can be leveled up or down (gating). B.Choppr is the successor of B.Slizr. The plugin slices a stereo input stream, amplifies or silences the individual slices and send the whole sequence to the output. Although this affects only the audio signal, it needs a playback running (Jack transport) {{tag>lv2_plugins jack}} ~~META:title=B.Choppr~~ ~~META:desc=An audio stream chopping LV2 plugin~~ ~~META:logo=https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/42939779?v=4~~ ~~META:link=https://github.com/sjaehn/BChoppr~~ ~~META:screenshot=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sjaehn/BChoppr/master/doc/screenshot.png~~ ~~META:banner=~~ ~~META:author=sjaehn~~ ~~META:download=http://github.com/sjaehn/BChoppr/releases~~ ~~META:manual=~~ ~~META:version=1.10.10~~ ~~META:releasedate=2021-09-10~~