======GENPO====== {{metacard>}} Replicates the essential features of any pipe, theatre, or reed organ. GENPO reads a description of an organ (from a XML file) and presents a GUI for operating that organ. \\ {{tag>Softsynths_And_Samplers alsa_seq unmaintained}} ~~META:title=GENPO~~ ~~META:desc=Replicates the essential features of any pipe, theatre, or reed organ. GENPO reads a description of an organ (from a XML file) and presents a GUI for operating that organ. You must supply your own organ waveforms~~ ~~META:logo=~~ ~~META:link=http://genpo.sourceforge.net/~~ ~~META:screenshot=http://genpo.sourceforge.net/images/genpo_eng_ss.png~~ ~~META:banner=~~ ~~META:author=Stephen Merrony~~ ~~META:version=0.9.8~~ ~~META:releasedate=2008-11-26 ~~