====== HexoSynth ====== {{metacard>}} This project aims to create a modular synthesizer. Like those encountered in projects like VCVRack or Bitwigs Polygrid. The core idea is having a hexagonal tile map for laying out module instances and connect them at the edges to route audio signals and control signals to inputs of other modules. A goal is to provide a simple wireless environment to build sound effects, synthesizers or whole generative music patches from predefined modules. !- Please fill in as much meta-data as possible -! {{tag>vst softsynths_and_samplers jack}} ~~META:title=HexoSynth~~ ~~META:desc=A FLOSS (Open Source) hexagonal modular synthesizer plugin.~~ ~~META:logo=https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/28826815?v=4~~ ~~META:link=https://github.com/WeirdConstructor/HexoSynth~~ ~~META:screenshot=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/WeirdConstructor/HexoSynth/30d04e0b386f89e4783f2ea057d2d3369760956f/screenshots/2021-07-24_14-59.png~~ ~~META:banner=~~ ~~META:author=WeirdConstructor~~ ~~META:download=~https://github.com/WeirdConstructor/HexoSynth/releases~ ~~META:manual=~~ ~~META:version=v0.1.0-alpha-3~~ ~~META:releasedate=2021-08-13~~