====== saugns ====== {{metacard>}} saugns implements the SAU (Scriptable AUdio) language, and is a command-line parser, player, and WAV file writer for SAU scripts. It makes it easy to write script files which play sounds when ran. It's also possible to pipe audio data from it over stdout. Currently most useful for generating tones, sounds, soundscapes, and simple timed sequences. Can be used tersely and simply for that, but the language still lacks features for music composition without duplicating lots of script content. Audio generation can use the following types of audio generators and ways of configuring them: * ''A'' – Amplitude generator, produces amplitude offsets i.e. DC offsets * ''N'' – Noise generator, various noise colors and distributions; maximum rate, no frequency control * ''R'' – Rumble oscillator (a.k.a. random line segments oscillator), various modes and line types; this allows smooth noise, and modulation both of and by noisy signals * ''W'' – Wave oscillator, various wave types * Parameter sweeps, and modulation by connecting objects – for AM/RM & FM/PM * An arbitrary number of generators can be used, and changes to their parameters laid out in time ===== Documentation ===== * {{https://sau.frama.io/usage.html|Command-line usage}} * {{https://sau.frama.io/language.html|SAU language overview web page}} * {{https://codeberg.org/sau/saugns/src/stable/sau/doc/README.SAU|SAU language reference (README.SAU)}} * {{https://sau.frama.io/examples.html|Example SAU scripts with audio online}} {{tag>synthesis_and_composition_packages signal_generators oss alsa sndio}} ~~META:title=saugns~~ ~~META:desc=Scriptable AUdio (SAU) Generation System. Command-line parser, player, and format converter for SAU scripts. Supports ALSA, OSS, and (on OpenBSD) sndio.~~ ~~META:logo=https://saugns.github.io/images/sau-logo88x50.png~~ ~~META:link=https://sau.frama.io~~ ~~META:screenshot=~~ ~~META:banner=~~ ~~META:author=Joel K. Pettersson~~ ~~META:download=~~ ~~META:manual=~~ ~~META:version=v0.4.8c~~ ~~META:releasedate=2024-11-15~~