====== korg pandora px5d ====== ===== General ===== The [[http://www.korg.com/px5d|Korg Pandora PX5D]] is a guitar multi-effects unit which can act as a USB audio interface. ===== Software ===== Korg's sound editing software is reported to work in Wine, but may require the latest kernel patches (in 3.0.0) Frédéric Jaume is working on a native [[http://www.exp-media.com/px5d_editor_linux|PX5D Patch Editor for Linux]], version 0.1 has been released on October 12th, 2012 and allows to edit patches in real time and save them to the unit. More features are planned, and the roadmap includes a drum machine editor and loading/saving from the standard binary file format, and a custom XML format. ===== References ===== * [[http://linuxmusicians.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=7170|Forum discussion]] * [[http://www.exp-media.com/px5d_editor_linux|PX5D Editor for Linux web site]] by Frédéric Jaume (soulfish) {{tag>audio_interface}}