\\ ====== Promotion of Linux and FLOSS - brainstorm ====== (FLOSS - free liberal open source software) \\ (Please help to improve.) \\ \\ ===== General ===== \\ First become more clear about your intentions, target, and (kind of) users you'd like to reach. \\ * Which are your main points of interest, which applications, technics, ... * Do you want to promote politics (free software model) additional to technical matters ? * Do you intend to reach non-political users ("mainstream") too ? * Where and how promote it ? * What are your personal capabilities, what is possible with the community, with support only, what is impossible ? * Why promote at all ? \\ \\ ===== Possible reasons for the promotion of Linux ===== \\ * You want to spread the idea of the open software model. * You want to increase the userbase, because that means more support for both, users and developers. * More (professional) users means more digital products are produced with FLOSS (music, software, graphics, ...) thus increasing general acceptance and proving quality. \\ \\ ===== How to reach the audience ===== \\ * Social platforms (twitter, facebook, ..) * Forums, web-pages, blogs, IRC, Chat, Messenger-Public-Rooms * Linux Magazines, Print media * Web-Video (make tutorials, introductions, explain, ..) * Radio and Podcast * "Mouth-to-mouth" propaganda, conversation * Flyer (spread in studios, universities, restaurants, bars, clubs, township administration ...) \\ \\ ===== Possible reasons to use FLOSS ===== \\ * It works for the things you need / like to do and is stable. * You consider freedom and independence as important * You like the community * FLOSS permits better decision, how much and what to support financially * You're able to add and contribute in many ways * You can't bear the "enter your 16 digit serial number", registration and copy protection stuff anymore * You want to be sure, that the application does not disappear, that the file formats are known/open, that your data stays accessible \\ \\ ===== How can developers support the acceptance ===== \\ * make the software intuitive for new users (logical GUI and configuration) * add pop-up hints, explain things in context, make keyboard-shortcuts obvious * have a good web-page pointing to (community-) support and giving important hints * listen to the users and their difficulties, try to improve their experience \\ \\ ===== Tools for promotion ===== \\ **Graphic tools** \\ * Inkscape (svg, vector graphics) * Gimp (image processing, pixel graphics) * Scribus (DTP) * Quanta Plus (web-page editor) * KompoZer (web-page editor) * CSSed (CSS style-sheet editor) \\ \\ \\ \\