\\ ===== 1. Python Script by Dainaccio ===== \\ Convert midi drums to *.h2song hydrogen drum sequencer format \\ # use: python midi2hydrogen.py input.mid output.h2song * [[http://dainaccio.wordpress.com/2008/07/21/midi2hydrogen-ready-to-rock/| Homepage of Dainaccio ]] * [[http://italianmafia.altervista.org/blog/download.php?get=midi2hydrogen.tar.gz| Download midi2hydrogen ]] * [[http://hydrogen-music.org/hcms/| Hydrogen Site ]] \\ \\ \\ \\ ===== 2. m2hpc.py Python Script by Domino Marama ===== \\ Converts midi drums to *.h2pattern and imports them to the hydrogen drum sequencer library. \\ # command line usage: python3 m2hpc.py input.mid [input.mid ...] * [[http://dominodesigns.info/m2hpc/index.html| m2hpc Midi to Hydrogen Pattern Converter ]] \\ \\ \\ ===== 3. Perl Script by Herve Masson ===== \\ Convert midi drums to *.h2song hydrogen drum sequencer format \\ \\ \\ ######################################################################################### # ____________________________________________________________________ # / \ # | ____ __ ___ _____ / ___ ___ | # | ____ / \/ \ ' / \ / / /__ / \ / \ | # | / _ \ / / / / / / ___/ \__ / /____/ / / | # | / |_ / / / / / / / / / \ / / /____/ | # | \____/ / / \/_/ / \__/ _____/ \__/ \___/ / | # | / | # | | # | Copyright (c) 2007 Herve Masson, MindStep SARL | # | rvmindstep@users.sourceforge.net | # \____________________________________________________________________/ # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # ######################################################################################### # # midi2hydrogen.pl - MIDI file conversion script for hydrogen (hydrogen-music.org) # # ==> Read the usage message below for more info # # (Note: was created on ubuntu 7.x using perl 5.8, with the additional CPAN # packages XML-Simple and MIDI-Perl) # # -=- # # Ideas/TODOs: # # - some quantization would probably be useful # - detect identical patterns (that's tricky) # - load instruments from multiple kits # - ~home/.midi2hydrogen.cfg config file instead of options # - find a way to implement some midi controls (volume, pan,...) # ######################################################################################### use strict; use Data::Dumper; use Getopt::Long; use MIDI; my($ME)="midi2hydrogen.pl"; my($USAGE)=" Usage: perl ${ME} [options] file.mid file.h2song perl ${ME} [options] file.mid This script extracts the drum track(s) from a midi file and generates an hydrogen .h2song file. When the h2song file name is omitted, the program simply reports information that tell how this file would be converted, without actually generating anything. This information contains, amongst other things, the instrument mapping between MIDI and H2, which can be altered using the following options: -h, --help Prints this message. -v, --verbose Increases verbosity. "; ######################################################################################### # # GLOBAL CONFIGURATION - following variables control important behaviors # ######################################################################################### package Cfg; use vars qw($KITNAME $KITPATH %INSTRUMENTMAP %DFLSONG %DFLINSTRUMENT %DFLLAYER %DFLNOTE); # This is the location where the h2 drumkits are # ============================================== $KITPATH="/usr/share/hydrogen/data/drumkits"; # Which H2 kit we are using # ========================= $KITNAME="GMkit"; # This is the instrument mapping between MIDI and (GMkit)h2: # ========================================================== %INSTRUMENTMAP= ( # MIDI => H2 # General midi name #--------------------------------------- 35 => 0, # Acoustic Bass Drum 36 => 0, # Bass Drum 1 37 => 1, # Side Stick 38 => 2, # Acoustic Snare 39 => 3, # Hand Clap 40 => 4, # Electric Snare 41 => 5, # Low Floor Tom 42 => 6, # Closed Hi-Hat 43 => 9, # High Floor Tom 44 => 8, # Pedal Hi-Hat 45 => 5, # Low Tom 46 => 10, # Open Hi-Hat 47 => 7, # Low-Mid Tom 48 => 7, # Hi-Mid Tom 49 => 13, # Crash Cymbal 1 50 => 9, # High Tom 51 => 12, # Ride Cymbal 1 52 => 15, # Chinese Cymbal 53 => 14, # Ride Bell 54 => undef, # Tambourin 55 => 15, # Splash Cymbal 56 => 11, # Cowbell 57 => 15, # Crash Cymbal 2 58 => undef, # Vibraslap 59 => 12, # Ride Cymbal 2 60 => undef, # Hi Bongo 61 => undef, # Low Bongo 62 => undef, # Mute Hi Conga 63 => undef, # Open Hi Conga 64 => undef, # Low Conga 65 => undef, # High Timbale 66 => undef, # Low Timbale 67 => undef, # High Agogo 68 => undef, # Low Agogo 69 => undef, # Cabasa 70 => undef, # Maracas 71 => undef, # Short Whistle 72 => undef, # Long Whistle 73 => undef, # Short Guiro 74 => undef, # Long Guiro 75 => undef, # Claves 76 => undef, # Hi Wood Block 77 => undef, # Low Wood Block 78 => undef, # Mute Cuica 79 => undef, # Open Cuica 80 => undef, # Mute Triangle 81 => undef, # Open Triangle ); # The following tables give default values for hydrogen structures # (which can't be obtained from the MIDI file) # ================================================================ %DFLSONG= ( version => "0.9.3", bpm => 120, volume => 0.5, metronomeVolume => 0.5, name => "noname", author => "unknown", notes => "imported from midi", loopEnabled => "true", mode => "pattern", humanize_time => 0, humanize_velocity => 0, swing_factor => 0, delayFXEnabled => "false", delayFXWetLevel => 1, delayFXFeedback => 0.4, delayFXTime => 48, ); %DFLINSTRUMENT= ( volume => 1, isMuted => 'false', isLocked => 'false', pan_L => 1, pan_R => 1, gain => 1, FX1Level => 0, FX2Level => 0, FX3Level => 0, FX4Level => 0, Attack => 0, Decay => 0, Sustain => 1, Release => 1000, randomPitchFactor => 0, ); %DFLLAYER= ( min => 0, max => 1, gain => 1, pitch => 0, ); %DFLNOTE= ( velocity => 0.8, pan_L => 1, pan_R => 1, pitch => 0, length => -1, ); use vars qw($MIDI_DRUMCHAN $MIDI_CTRL_VOLUME $MIDI_CTRL_PAN %MIDI_CHANEVENTS); # Reserved channel number for drum # ================================ $MIDI_DRUMCHAN=9; # MIDI controls # ============= $MIDI_CTRL_VOLUME=7; # Channel Volume (formerly Main Volume) $MIDI_CTRL_PAN=10; # Pan # The following MIDI events are related to a MIDI channel: # ======================================================== %MIDI_CHANEVENTS= ( note_off => 1, note_on => 1, key_after_touch => 1, control_change => 1, patch_change => 1, channel_after_touch => 1, pitch_wheel_change => 1, ); ######################################################################################### # # Some global variables # ######################################################################################### package main; my($SONG,%OPTS); ######################################################################################### # # Various utilities # ######################################################################################### sub StripSpaces { my($str)=shift; $str =~ s/^\s+//; $str =~ s/\s+$//; return $str; } sub Warning { my($fmt)=shift; printf STDERR "Warning: $fmt\n",@_; } sub Error { my($fmt)=shift; printf STDERR "Error: $fmt\n",@_; } sub Trace { my($fmt)=shift; if($OPTS{verbose}) { printf "[trace] $fmt\n",@_; } } ######################################################################################### # # Some extension to the MIDI::Track package # ######################################################################################### package MIDI::Track; sub searchEvent { my($self)=shift; my($type)=shift; my(@events)=$self->events(); my(@list); foreach my $ev (@events) { if($ev->[0] eq $type) { push(@list,$ev); last unless(wantarray); } } if(wantarray) { return @list; } return $list[0]; } sub label { my($self)=shift; $self->{label}=shift if(@_>0); return $self->{label}; } sub index { my($self)=shift; $self->{index}=shift if(@_>0); return $self->{index}; } ######################################################################################### # # This class represents an hydrogen song # ######################################################################################### package HydrogenSong; use XML::Simple; use Data::Dumper; sub _field_ { my($name)=shift; my($self)=shift; $self->{$name}=shift if(@_>0); return $self->{$name}; } sub bpm { return _field_("bpm",@_) } sub volume { return _field_("volume",@_) } sub version { return _field_("version",@_) } sub instruments { return _field_("instruments",@_) } sub patterns { return _field_("patterns",@_) } sub patternMap { return _field_("patternMap",@_) } sub notes { return _field_("notes",@_) } sub stats { return _field_("stats",@_) } sub new { my($class)=shift; my $self=bless({ %Cfg::DFLSONG },$class); $self->loadKit($Cfg::KITNAME); $self->notes([]); $self->patterns([]); $self->stats({}); return $self; } sub loadKit { my($self)=shift; my($dkname)=shift; # Load the hygrogen kit # --------------------- my($ref)=XMLin("$Cfg::KITPATH/$dkname/drumkit.xml"); die "can't load kit $dkname" unless($ref); my($map)=$ref->{instrumentList}->{instrument}; my(@list); while(my($key,$value)=each(%{$map})) { next if($value->{filename} eq ""); my($ins)={ %Cfg::DFLINSTRUMENT, %$value }; delete($ins->{exclude}); $ins->{name}=$key; $ins->{drumkit}=$dkname; $ins->{layer}= { %Cfg::DFLLAYER, filename => $ins->{filename}, }; delete($ins->{filename}); push(@list,$ins); } @list=sort { $a->{id} <=> $b->{id} } @list; $self->instruments([@list]); } my(%WARNEDINS); sub addNote { my($self)=shift; my($time)=shift; my($insnum)=shift; my($velocity)=shift; my($h2ins); my($stats)=$self->stats(); $stats->{midi}->[$insnum]++; unless(defined($h2ins=$Cfg::INSTRUMENTMAP{$insnum})) { unless($WARNEDINS{$insnum}) { $WARNEDINS{$insnum}=1; main::Warning("MIDI instrument $insnum has no hydrogen equivalence - dropped"); } return; } $stats->{h2}->[$h2ins]++; my($note)= { %Cfg::DFLNOTE, velocity => $velocity, instrument => $h2ins, position => int($time*48), }; push(@{$self->{notes}},$note); } sub finalize { my($self)=shift; my($notes)=$self->notes(); my($patsz)=32; # Max size of a pattern, in quarter-notes my($maxpos)=$patsz*24; # 24 positions per quarter-note if(@$notes==0) { die "the song does not contain any note"; } # Slice the song in fixed size patterns my($offset)=0; my(@patterns,%seqs); my(@list)=@{$notes}; while(@list>=0) { my($note)=$list[0]; if(defined($note)) { # Position relative to pattern begining my($relpos)=$note->{position}-$offset; if($relpos<$maxpos) { # This fit in the current pattern my($ins)=$note->{instrument}; unless($seqs{$ins}) { $seqs{$ins}=[]; } $note->{position}=$relpos; push(@{$seqs{$ins}},$note); shift(@list); next; } } my(@seqs)=map { $seqs{$_} } (0...31); push(@patterns, { name => sprintf("Pattern %d",scalar(@patterns)), index => scalar(@patterns), sequences => [@seqs], size => $patsz*24, }); $offset+=$maxpos; %seqs=(); last if(@list==0); } $self->patterns([@patterns]); $self->patternMap([@patterns]); } sub asString { my($self)=shift; my(@list); push(@list,""); while(my($key,$value)=each(%{$self})) { unless(ref($value)) { push(@list,"<$key>$value"); } } push(@list,""); foreach my $ins (@{$self->instruments()}) { push(@list,""); while(my($key,$value)=each(%{$ins})) { unless(ref($value)) { push(@list,"<$key>$value"); } } push(@list,""); push(@list,""); while(my($key,$value)=each(%{$ins->{layer}})) { unless(ref($value)) { push(@list,"<$key>$value"); } } push(@list,""); push(@list,""); } push(@list,""); push(@list,""); foreach my $pat (@{$self->patterns()}) { push(@list,""); push(@list,"$pat->{name}"); push(@list,"$pat->{size}"); push(@list,""); foreach my $seq (@{$pat->{sequences}}) { push(@list,""); push(@list,""); foreach my $note (@{$seq}) { push(@list,""); while(my($key,$value)=each(%{$note})) { push(@list,"<$key>$value"); } push(@list,""); } push(@list,""); push(@list,""); } push(@list,""); push(@list,""); } push(@list,""); push(@list,""); foreach my $pat (@{$self->patternMap()}) { push(@list,""); push(@list,"$pat->{name}"); push(@list,""); } push(@list,""); push(@list,""); my($tabs)=0; my(@out); foreach my $item (@list) { if($item =~ m|^|)) { $tabs++; } } } push(@out,""); return join("\n",@out); } sub saveAs { my($self)=shift; my($fname)=shift; my($fd); unless(open($fd,">$fname")) { die "could not save file $fname - $!"; } print $fd $self->asString(); close($fd); return $self; } sub showInstrumentMapping { my($self)=shift; my($listr)=$self->instruments(); my(@list)=@{$listr}; printf("Instruments mapping:\n"); printf("====================\n\n"); # Computes some statistics # ------------------------ my($stats)=$self->stats(); # Display the instrument mapping # ------------------------------ my(%htable); foreach my $ins (@list) { $htable{$ins->{id}}=$ins; } my($line)=" +--------------------------------+--------------------------------+-------+\n"; print($line); printf(" | General midi instruments | Hydrogen instrument | Notes |\n"); print($line); my(%used); foreach my $key (sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%MIDI::notenum2percussion)) { my($value)=$MIDI::notenum2percussion{$key}; my($hid)=$Cfg::INSTRUMENTMAP{$key}; my($mapping)="-"; if(defined($hid)) { my($ins)=$htable{$hid}; if($ins) { $used{$ins}=1; $mapping=sprintf("(%02d) %s",$hid,$ins->{name}); } } my($count)=$stats->{midi}->[$key]; $count="-" unless($count>0); printf(" | %-30s | %-30s | %5s |\n", sprintf("(%0d) %s",$key,$value), $mapping,$count); } foreach my $ins (@list) { next if($used{$ins}); my($mapping)=sprintf("(%02d) %s",$ins->{id},$ins->{name}); printf(" | %-30s | %-30s | %5s |\n","-",$mapping,"-"); } print($line); printf("\n\n"); } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Show MIDI file information # ========================== # # - midi file content (tracks, channels and patches) # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- package main; sub ShowSongInfo { my($song)=shift; my(@tracks)=$song->tracks(); my($i)=0; my($ev); my($ticks)=$song->ticks(); printf("General information:\n"); printf("====================\n\n"); printf(" Midi clock : %d ticks/quater-note\n",$ticks); printf(" Tempo : %d\n",$SONG->bpm()); printf(" H2 kit : %s/%s\n","$Cfg::KITPATH/$Cfg::KITNAME"); printf("\n\n"); printf("MIDI Tracks:\n"); printf("============\n\n"); my($line)=" +----+-----+--------------------------------+------------------------------------+"; printf("%s\n",$line); printf(" | T# | Ch# | Track Name | General Midi Patch |\n"); printf("%s\n",$line); foreach my $t (@tracks) { my($name)="(noname)"; my($patch)=""; my($chan)=""; my($gmname)=""; # General midi name if(defined($ev=$t->searchEvent("track_name"))) { $name=StripSpaces($ev->[2]); } if(defined($ev=$t->searchEvent("patch_change"))) { $chan=$ev->[2]; if($chan == $Cfg::MIDI_DRUMCHAN) { $patch="-"; $gmname="(drum channel)"; } else { $patch=$ev->[3]; $gmname=$MIDI::number2patch{$patch}; } } printf(" | %2d | %3s | %-30s | %-3s %-30s |\n",$i,$chan,$name,$patch,$gmname); $t->label($name); $t->index($i); $i++; } printf("%s\n",$line); printf(" (T#=Track number, Ch#=MIDI channel number)\n"); printf("\n\n"); $SONG->showInstrumentMapping(); } my(%WARNCTRL); sub ProcessEvent_control_change { my($ctx)=shift; my($ev)=shift; my($param)=$ev->{param}->[0]; # MIDI control identifier my($value)=$ev->{param}->[1]; # control value if($param == $Cfg::MIDI_CTRL_VOLUME) { Trace("set volume $value - NOT IMPLEMENTED"); } elsif($param == $Cfg::MIDI_CTRL_PAN) { Trace("set pan $value - NOT IMPLEMENTED"); } else { unless($WARNCTRL{$param}) { $WARNCTRL{$param}=1; Trace("ignoring unknown MIDI control %d",$param); } } } sub ProcessEvent_note_on { my($ctx)=shift; my($ev)=shift; my($note)=$ev->{param}->[0]; # For drum, this corresponds to instrument selection my($velocity)=$ev->{param}->[1]; # Usually corresponds to note volume if($ev->{channel} != $Cfg::MIDI_DRUMCHAN) { # Ignore non-drum events return; } $velocity=int($velocity/12.7)/10; # Convert velocity between 0 and 127 my($ticks)=$ctx->{song}->ticks(); my($tm)=$ev->{tickstamp}/$ticks; $SONG->addNote($tm,$note,$velocity); return 1; } sub ProcessEvent_set_tempo { my($ctx)=shift; my($ev)=shift; if($ctx->{convms}) { Warning("tempo is defined more than once - secundary definitions ignored"); return; } if($ev->{tickstamp} != 0) { Warning("tempo is set after song begining - ignored"); return; } my($tempo)=$ev->{param}->[0]; # Number of micro-seconds per quarter-note # Get the number of ticks per quarter-note my($ticks)=$ctx->{song}->ticks(); # Compute the conversion ratio to obtain milliseconds from tick counts $ctx->{convms}=$tempo/(1000*$ticks); my($qnms)=$ticks*$ctx->{convms}; my($bpm)=int(60000/$qnms); $ctx->{tempo}=$bpm; Trace("set tempo ${bpm} bpm (one quarter-note lasts %dms)",$qnms,$bpm); $SONG->bpm($bpm); } sub ProcessSong { my($song)=shift; my(@tracks)=$song->tracks(); # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # > Combine all tracks into a single grand event list # > (we need to process the tempo changes and such, which might be on other tracks) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ my($songticks)=$song->ticks(); # Ticks per quarter-note my(@events); foreach my $track (@tracks) { my($index)=0; my(@list)=$track->events(); my($tnum)=$track->index(); my($abstime)=0; foreach my $ev (@list) { my(@ev)=@{$ev}; my($type)=shift(@ev); my($reltime)=shift(@ev); # Relative timestamp $abstime += $reltime; my($notestamp)=$abstime/$songticks; my($chan); if($Cfg::MIDI_CHANEVENTS{$type}) { $chan=shift(@ev); } push(@events, { type => $type, # Type of the MIDI event (ex: 'patch_change') tickstamp => $abstime, # Absolute timestamp of the event, in number of ticks notestamp => $notestamp, # Absolute timestamp, in quarter-notes tracknum => $tnum, index => $index++, channel => $chan, # Channel number, when appropriate param => [@ev], }); } } # Sort all events in time order @events=sort { $a->{tickstamp} <=> $b->{tickstamp} } @events; # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # > Process individual events # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ my($ctx)={ song => $song }; foreach my $ev (@events) { my($type)=$ev->{type}; my($proc); unless($proc=__PACKAGE__->can("ProcessEvent_$type")) { # We don't want this event type next; } &$proc($ctx,$ev); } print "\n"; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # Program entry point - command line parsing # #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- my(@OPTIONS)= ( "help|h", "verbose|v", ); Getopt::Long::Configure("bundling"); unless(GetOptions(\%OPTS,@OPTIONS)) { print STDERR $USAGE; exit(1); } if($OPTS{help}) { print $USAGE; exit(0); } my($midiFile,$h2File)=@ARGV; if((@ARGV!=1) && (@ARGV!=2)) { Error("Invalid number of parameters"); print STDERR $USAGE; exit(1); } # 1) Read the MIDI file # ===================== $SONG=HydrogenSong->new(); my($song)=eval { MIDI::Opus->new({ from_file => $midiFile }) }; unless($song) { Error("error while loading midi file $midiFile - $@"); exit(1); } ProcessSong($song); if($h2File) { unless($h2File =~ /\.h2song$/) { $h2File="$h2File.h2song"; } $SONG->finalize(); print "Saving h2song file: $h2File...\n"; $SONG->saveAs($h2File); } else { ShowSongInfo($song); } \\