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Frozen Images is a multimedia electro performance/concert by duo Wanda & Nova deViator. All sound and video is produced and controlled in real-time with Linux OS and free software - Pure Data, GEM, Ardour, SuperCollider, Jackd, FFado…
“A sonic, textual and visual space that poses questions about how do we relate to each other and the world. What is the emotional architecture of this process of relating? When does power turn into domination and in what circumstances a lovely person desires its own submission? How much fake sugar is needed to cover up one's depression and how powerful are visual strategies for ideologies of capitalistic commodification so that one stops seeing another human being the way it is? Look, listen, see and hear – a hybrid performance which includes real-time video, pressure sensors, choreography and electronic music somewhere between improv, electropunk, noise, triphop, granular synthesis and breaks.”
The performance is in development (premiere 25/2/2010), but a musical part was already performed in Ljubljana/Slovenia, Novi Sad/Serbia and Istanbul/Turkey. more: http://wndv.si/09/10/24/k4format_live/
contact wndv at wndv dot si for details, requirements, etc… The design of performance is modular - so it can be partialy adjusted to different performance environments (gallery, av/performance, club)