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apps:all:drumstick [2022/02/10 13:03] – new release plclapps:all:drumstick [2024/09/01 13:11] (current) – new release plcl
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 ====== drumstick ====== ====== drumstick ======
 {{metacard>}} {{metacard>}}
-Drumstick is a set of MIDI libraries using C++/Qt5 idioms and style. Includes a wrapper around the ALSA library sequencer interface: ALSA sequencer provides software support for MIDI technology on Linux. A complementary library provides classes for processing SMF (Standard MIDI files: .MID/.KAR/.RMI), and Cakewalk (.WRK) file formats. A multiplatform realtime MIDI I/O library is also provided.+Drumstick is a set of MIDI libraries using C++/Qt idioms and style. Includes a wrapper around the ALSA library sequencer interface: ALSA sequencer provides software support for MIDI technology on Linux. A complementary library provides classes for processing SMF (Standard MIDI files: .MID/.KAR/.RMI), and Cakewalk (.WRK) file formats. A multiplatform realtime MIDI I/O library is also provided.
 This library is used in [[vmpk]], [[KMetronome]], [[KMidimon]] and [[dmidiplayer]], and was formerly known as "aseqmm".\\ This library is used in [[vmpk]], [[KMetronome]], [[KMidimon]] and [[dmidiplayer]], and was formerly known as "aseqmm".\\
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 ~~META:title=drumstick~~ ~~META:title=drumstick~~
-~~META:desc=C++/Qt5 MIDI libraries, including a wrapper around the ALSA library sequencer interface.~~+~~META:desc=C++/Qt MIDI libraries, including a wrapper around the ALSA library sequencer interface.~~
 ~~META:logo=~~ ~~META:logo=~~
 ~~META:link=https://drumstick.sourceforge.io~~ ~~META:link=https://drumstick.sourceforge.io~~
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 ~~META:banner=~~ ~~META:banner=~~
 ~~META:author=Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas~~ ~~META:author=Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas~~
-~~META:download=http://sourceforge.net/projects/drumstick/files/2.5.1/~~ +~~META:download=http://sourceforge.net/projects/drumstick/files/2.9.1/~~ 
 ~~META:manual=http://drumstick.sourceforge.net/docs/~~ ~~META:manual=http://drumstick.sourceforge.net/docs/~~
apps/all/drumstick.1644494591.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:03 by plcl