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apps:all:luppp [2013/09/19 10:43] harryhaarenapps:all:luppp [2021/08/25 20:35] (current) gootz
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 Luppp is a live performance program, it allows loading & recording audio loops on multiple tracks while applying effects to them in real time. Luppp is a live performance program, it allows loading & recording audio loops on multiple tracks while applying effects to them in real time.
-Luppp is at alpha testing stages, with an announce for beta-testing planned soon. +{{tag>jack_midi jack lv2_plugins looping_software fltk jack_transport}}
- +
-{{tag>new jack_midi jack lv2_plugins looping_software fltk jack_transport}}+
 ~~META:title=Luppp~~ ~~META:title=Luppp~~
 ~~META:desc=Live looping software for Linux~~ ~~META:desc=Live looping software for Linux~~
 ~~META:logo=https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-kVuUX_QSlaI/T5rrrqpikOI/AAAAAAAAAQ4/XiR8UMj5xKE/h120/logo.png~~ ~~META:logo=https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-kVuUX_QSlaI/T5rrrqpikOI/AAAAAAAAAQ4/XiR8UMj5xKE/h120/logo.png~~
 ~~META:link=http://openavproductions.com~~ ~~META:link=http://openavproductions.com~~
 ~~META:author=OpenAV Productions~~ ~~META:author=OpenAV Productions~~
-~~META:version=alpha-testing~~ +~~META:version=1.2.1 released~~ 
-~~META:releasedate=Alpha @ 2013-09-18 (Beta planned soon)~~+~~META:releasedate=2015-04-19~~
apps/all/luppp.1379580231.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013/09/19 10:43 by harryhaaren