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apps:all:plib [2012/03/18 04:18] – external edit [2014/03/12 18:49] (current) j_e_f_f_g
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 ======PLib====== ======PLib======
 {{metacard>}} {{metacard>}}
-  * [[http://plib.sourceforge.net/]] 
 a suite of game libraries with OpenGL and C++ interfaces, from Steve Baker \\ a suite of game libraries with OpenGL and C++ interfaces, from Steve Baker \\
-{{tag>OpenAL Linux_audio_tools Tools_To_Make_Tools}}+{{tag>development game_things}}
 ~~META:title=PLib~~ ~~META:title=PLib~~
-~~META:desc=a suite of game libraries with OpenGL and C++ interfaces, from Steve Baker ~~+~~META:desc=a suite of game libraries with OpenGL and C++ interfaces~~
 ~~META:logo=~~ ~~META:logo=~~
 ~~META:link=http://plib.sourceforge.net/~~ ~~META:link=http://plib.sourceforge.net/~~
 ~~META:author=~~ ~~META:author=~~
 ~~META:version=~~ ~~META:version=~~
 ~~META:releasedate=~~ ~~META:releasedate=~~
apps/all/plib.1332040686.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/03/03 00:14 (external edit)