Examples of some great pieces of free audio software on Linux:

  • Ardour Digital Audio Workstation.
  • Qtractor Audio/MIDI multi-track sequencer.
  • MuseScore Music notation and composition software
  • LinuxSampler sampling with SFZ and GIGA files.
  • TAL Noisemaker Excellent synth available as LV2 and LinuxVST plugins as well as a JACK app.
  • samplv1 RNCBC's simple but very useful sampler. Available as LV2 plugin and JACK app.
  • Open Octave Midi is a Linux based DAW designed to give musicians the tools needed to make composing on a computer possible, and even fun!
  • Mixxx DJ tool.
  • Calf audio plugin pack high quality open source audio plugins for musicians.
  • Audacity sound editor
  • Hydrogen drummachine
  • Yoshimi Improved version of the famous Zynaddsubfx synth
  • Non A set of fast, light, modular tools for music production on Linux.

These are just a few examples, more at apps.linuxaudio.org Not sure if a tool you need is available or don't know which one suits your needs best? Ask for advice and user experiences on the forums or mailinglists!

List Linux Audio Apps



  • A good resource to find linux audio applications for a specific area (notation editors, drummachines etc. etc.) is the application page of linuxaudio.org, section 'Audio Applications': http://apps.linuxaudio.org/
wiki/linux_audio_applications.txt ยท Last modified: 2013/06/02 15:45 by