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wiki:scripts_and_tools [2011/06/15 10:04] – create script and tools section as suggested by S. Massy - emrumwiki:scripts_and_tools [2012/09/07 01:06] emrum
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 . .
 +==== wav file to specimen bank (sampler format) script ====
 +  * see here: [[/wiki/scripts_wav2specimen| wav2specimen ]]
 +==== lscp2rgd - linuxsampler to rosegarden instrument ====
 +  * see: [[/wiki/script_lscp2rgd]]
 +==== midi to hydrogen ====
 +  * [[/wiki/script_midi2hydrogen| convert drums of a midi file to hydrogen format ]]
 +==== SFZ (sound-bank-definition) to Hydrogen (drumkit xml-file) ====
 +  * [[/wiki/user/emrum/sfz_to_h2| sfz to hydrogen script ]]
 +==== script: create a hydrogen drumkit from wav files ===
 +thanks to Thijs van Severen
 +[[http://audio-and-linux.blogspot.de/2012/04/hydrogen-drumkit-creator-script.html|  Hydrogen drumkit creator script ]] - note: filenames have to follow a rule
 +[[http://www.hydrogen-music.org/hcms/node/5#sect.pattern_editor.drumkit| Instrument mapping (Hydrogen Manual) ]]
 +[[http://www.mindwaremusic.com/SoundsetterHelp/scr/GMDrumMap.html| GM (general midi) mapping ]]
 ==== aj-snapshot - Store ALSA and JACK connections state ==== ==== aj-snapshot - Store ALSA and JACK connections state ====
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 . .
-=== convert sound files with libsndfile ===+==== convert sound files with libsndfile ====
 +=== convert all FLAC files in a directory to OGA format (vorbis-encoded stream in ogg-container) === 
 +** Note: ** There is a simple and excellent GUI tool available for audio conversion: [[http://soundconverter.org/| SoundConverter ]] \\ 
 +It is included in the ubuntu repository. 
 +<code bash> 
 +## UPDATE: sndfile-convert -vorbis  normalizes the sound to 0 DB ! 
 +## there are no options to control that, or compression rate. 
 +## so rather use "oggenc" instead ! 
 +## there is also a py-script called "dir2ogg" in ubuntu 
 +# initial code by Emanuel Rumpf 2012-04 
 +# any re-use and modification permitted 
 +# convert all FLAC files in a directory to OGA format  
 +# (compressed, vorbis-encoded stream in ogg-container) 
 +# USAGE: 
 +# first install libsndfile - in ubuntu: 
 +# sudo   apt-get install   libsndfile1 sndfile-programs sndfile-tools 
 +# copy this script to the files directory, make it executable 
 +# edit config options below if necessary, run it 
 +# TODO: allow file-names with spaces 
 +# select file extension: 
 +# select directory for new vfiles 
 +# add -vorbis parameter to sndfile-convert call 
 +mkdir -p "$OUT_DIR" 
 +# apply to all flac files in current directory 
 +for f in $FILES 
 +  fn=`basename "$f" $EXT_OLD` 
 +  fn="${OUT_DIR}${fn}${EXT_NEW}" 
 +  comm="sndfile-convert $CONVERT_OPT $f $fn " 
 +  echo "--> $comm " 
 +  $comm 
 +  echo "" 
 +# There is a possilbe alternative, with "find" and -exec statement 
 +# warning: this is not verbose  and  can take some time ! 
 +# for all files in current directory (.)  execute libsndfile-convert 
 +find . -name "*.flac" -exec sndfile-convert -vorbis '{}' '{}'.oga \; 
 . .
Line 115: Line 242:
 ==== conversion examples with sox ==== ==== conversion examples with sox ====
-FIXME+convert a .wav file to raw PCM - here 8bit (''-b 8'') signed integer (''-e signed''), stereo (''-c 2''): 
 +  sox INFILE.wav -t raw -r 48k -e signed -b  8 -c 2 OUTFILE.raw
-.+convert raw CD digital audio (16-bit, signed-integer) to floating point wav: 
 +  sox input.cdda -e float output1.wav
 +generate (''-n'' = NULL input) a .wav file with a 3 second sine-sweep:
 +  sox -n OUTFILE.wav synth 3 sine 300-3300 gain -5
 +The format-options must be given before the filename for which they're intended. If unspecified they are read from the file header (if possible):
 +  sox [global-options] [format-options] infile1 \ 
 +      [[format-options] infile2] ... \
 +      [format-options] outfile \
 +      [effect [effect-options]] ...
 +Common encoding-types for ''-e'': signed, unsigned, float. see ''man sox'' for a complete reference.
 ==== conversion examples with ecasound ==== ==== conversion examples with ecasound ====
 +==== move regions, markers, temi in an Ardour session ====
 +A script to slide every regions, markers, tempi, meters, automations, and so on in an Ardour session.
 +"Actually, it's not really a solution, as one can move only ALL REGIONS,..."
 +by Aurélien
 +[[http://lists.linuxaudio.org/pipermail/linux-audio-user/2011-June/079213.html| announce mail]]
 +[[http://lists.linuxaudio.org/pipermail/linux-audio-user/attachments/20110617/50c10587/attachment.obj| Download (tar.gz ?)]]
 . .
Line 130: Line 287:
 ==== spaces to underscores ==== ==== spaces to underscores ====
-<code>+<code bash>
 #! /bin/bash #! /bin/bash
 # #
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 . .
-==== Tips ==== 
 +==== Extract Audio from Video and recombine ====
 +(help by Robin Gareus @lau-ml)
-=== use a proper python shell ===+=== with ffmpeg ===
-(by Torben Hohn, 28. September 2010 01:16 )+<code>
 +#extract audio
 +ffmpeg -i orig_video.wmv audio_out.wav
 +#replace audio
 +ffmpeg \
 + -i orig_video.wmv \
 + -i new_audio.wav \
 + -vcodec copy \
 + -map 0.0 -map 1.0 \
 + new_video.wmv
 +Details:  The "map" may be different depending on the .wmv file.
 +run `ffprobe` to see which is the video-track in the .wmv file
 +usually this is "0.0".
 +   Stream #0.0: Video:...
 +   Stream #0.1: Audio: ..
 +and "1.0" corresponds to the 2nd input file - your new audio.
 +You may want to add "-acodec wmav2" and "-ar 128k" options for 128kbit/s
 +Windows Media Audio 2 or whatever audio-codec/quality your want. `ffmpeg
 +-codecs | grep "EA"` gives you a list of available codecs for Encoding
 +BTW. Ardour3 with videotimeline patch can do all this for you.
 +import,extract,re-encode using ffmpeg.
 +>> Thanks. It is 0:0 and 0:1 and -b:a=192k I found, but I have some sync problems after recombining tho. Any other ideas?
 +My gut feeling is to blame ffmpeg's WMV muxer (it may not be able to mux
 +a bit-exact copy of the original video with your new soundtrack).
 +Try using '-sameq' instead of '-vcodec copy' (re-encode the video with
 +same quality rather than a bit-exact copy - this often solves muxing
 +issues but will cause a small loss of either video quality or increased
 +and also try a different output format eg. 'new_video.avi' or '..mov'
 +instead of 'new_video.wmv'.
 +you may need both, this should work:
 + 'ffmpeg -i vid.wmv -i aud.wav -sameq -map 0.0 -map 1.0 output.avi'
 +=== with mencoder ===
 +=== posssibly other options ===
 +  * kdenlive
 +  * ardour3 + video patch
 +==== JACKdbus - Desktop integration - backend-switching ====
 +  * [[http://gareus.org/blog/jack2dbus| jack2 backend switching ]]
 +  * [[http://gareus.org/wiki/jack2contol|jack2 dbus control ]]
 +==== save and restore irq process priorities ====
 +<code bash>
 +# rtirq_power: save and restore irq process priorities
 +# This script is called when a change in power status happens, when
 +# suspending it saves a list of all irq process priorities, when
 +# resuming it changes the priorities of the proper irq processes
 +# to the saved values
 +# Copyright (c) 2012 Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
 +#   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 +#   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 +#   as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 +#   of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 +#   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 +#   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 +#   GNU General Public License for more details.
 +#   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 +#   with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 +#   51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 +case $1 in
 +    hibernate|suspend)
 + /bin/ps -eo rtprio=,comm= --sort -rtprio | /bin/egrep ' irq/[0-9]*' | savestate rtirq
 +        ;;
 +    thaw|resume)
 + restorestate rtirq | while read IRQPRIO IRQCOMM ; do
 +     if [ -n "${IRQPRIO}" -a -n "${IRQCOMM}" ] ; then
 + IRQPID=`/bin/ps -e -o pid,comm | grep " ${IRQCOMM}" | awk '{print $1}'`
 + if [ -n "${IRQPID}" ] ; then
 +     PRIO=`/bin/ps -p ${IRQPID} -o rtprio=`
 +     if [ ${PRIO} -ne ${IRQPRIO} ] ; then
 + /usr/bin/chrt -f -p ${IRQPRIO} ${IRQPID}
 +     fi
 + fi
 +     fi
 + done
 +        ;;
 +    *) exit $NA
 +        ;;
 +A first try at using a pm-utils script. This script saves the priority state of all irq* processes and restores them after a resume. It only restores the priority for processes that still exist after the resume, and will do nothing for new processes (ie: you plugin a usb card while the computer is sleeping). That would be taken care by my previously posted udev script which would change priority of newly inserted soundcards. I put 05rtirq it in /etc/pm/sleep.d/ directory... it seems to be working fine in my laptop.
 +===== Tips =====
 +==== use a proper python shell ====
 +(by Torben Hohn, 28. September 2010 01:16 )
 ipython is there for quite some time. ipython is there for quite some time.
 and i recently discovered bpython and i recently discovered bpython
-[[http://ipython.scipy.org/moin/]]+  * [[http://ipython.scipy.org/moin/]]
-[[http://bpython-interpreter.org/]]+  * [[http://bpython-interpreter.org/]]
 this is where the fun starts this is where the fun starts
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 doctests also pretty much kick ass. doctests also pretty much kick ass.
 [[http://docs.python.org/library/doctest.html]] [[http://docs.python.org/library/doctest.html]]
 +==== Tip: Pianoteq - software synth - on Linux ====
 +(tip by: Edward Diehl, LAD, 2012-09-02)
 +I wanted to mention that Pianoteq does provide a linux VST which does
 +work in Ardour and Qtractor.  However, the default version provides 5
 +output channels which Ardour does not seem to like (because it expects
 +stereo output).  However, if you append "_2chan" to the plugin library
 +name (e.g. Pianoteq.so to Pianoteq_2chan.so) , the plugin will output
 +only 2 channels and work happily in Ardour.
 +==== Lisalo - Linux Sampler Loader ====
 +(Thanks to Nils Gey)
 +This is the Release of Lisalo 1.0
 +Grab it here, no installing required:
 +git clone git://github.com/nilsgey/Lisalo.git
 +Linux Sampler Loader is a command line program (python) that loads entire
 +directories of sample files or takes instructions from a meta .lsl file
 +with relative paths to samples.
 +This program exists because you can't share linuxsampler lscp files
 +or even move files around on your own disk. Lscp files only work with
 +absolute paths and are too low level anyway.
 +Now you can quickly and easily load sampled instruments without
 +even starting a GUI. The lsl files are very simple, see example.lsl,
 +and can be shipped around with your sfz sample package like the
 +Sonatina Symphonic Orchestra (lsl file already included in this release)
 +Version 1.0 Licensed under GPLv3 by Nils Gey, June 2012
 +Only dependencies are Python and Linuxsampler.
 +irc.freenode.org # laborejo
wiki/scripts_and_tools.txt · Last modified: 2017/12/03 12:22 by nilsge