Convert SFZ (sound-bank-definition) to H2 (hydrogen-xml) format (python script)

Unfortunately this script is NOT flexible and requires a certain SFZ custom format (as in matchstr object below).

create an SFZ file in the same directory, with name

run the script:

The SFZ file content format must be very close to this:

<region>  key=34  offset=0  lovel=0  hivel=127  sample=ogg/beats_01-34.oga
<region>  key=35  offset=0  lovel=0  hivel=127  sample=ogg/beats_06-50.oga
// c3 - bass drum 1
<region>  key=36  offset=0  lovel=0  hivel=127  sample=ogg/beats_06-38.oga
// c#3 - stick
<region>  key=37  offset=0  lovel=0  hivel=127  sample=ogg/beats_09-12.oga
// d3 - snare 1
<region>  key=38  offset=0  lovel=0  hivel=127  sample=ogg/beats_01-21.oga

Note: hydrogen ignores midi notes (key=36) below NR. 36 (=bass drum) !

Python Script:

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Info Section
python script
converts _simple_ SFZ  sound-bank-definition files to   Hydrogen2-drum-machine format.
adjust the input-file name below !
then run the script like:
python > drumkit.xml
edit drumkit.xml
(h2 does not support sub-directories yet, remove them. copy oga/flac files to same directory)
drumkit.sfz ===> drumkit.h2.xml
midi note-nr _36_ (c3) will be hydrogen-instrument-id _0_
midi notes below 36 will be appended to the end !
* License Info
    Copyright (C) Emanuel Rumpf
    Contact:  em-rumpf (at) gmx (.) de
    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation,  version 3 of the License.
    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program. If not, see <>
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
#import sys
import re
import os, os.path
# ADJUST INPUT FILE NAME  (will not be modified)
filename = 'drumkit.sfz'
output_file = 'drumkit.h2.xml'
# Start template definitions
# <region>  key=37  offset=0  lovel=0  hivel=127  sample=ogg/beats_09-12.oga 
# hydrogen 2 xml-file template 
h2tem_head = '''
	<name>Drumkit Name</name>
	<author>Author Name</author>
	<license>License Info + License URL</license>
	<info> Information </info>
h2tem = '''
h2tem_foot = '''
# test string (part of an SFZ file)
matchstr = """
		<region>  key=34  offset=0  lovel=0  hivel=127  sample=ogg/beats_01-34.oga 
		<region>  key=35  offset=0  lovel=0  hivel=127  sample=ogg/beats_06-50.oga 
		// c3 - bass drum 1
		<region>  key=36  offset=0  lovel=0  hivel=127  sample=ogg/beats_06-38.oga 
		// c#3 - stick
		<region>  key=37  offset=0  lovel=0  hivel=127  sample=ogg/beats_09-12.oga 
		// d3 - snare 1
		<region>  key=38  offset=0  lovel=0  hivel=127  sample=ogg/beats_01-21.oga 
# End template definitions
fcont = ''
def read_file():
	global fcont
	# try:
	f = open( filename, 'rb' )
	fcont = str( )
def create_match_dic( mat ):
	#print "match : ", mat
	if type( mat ) is tuple:
		m1 = mat[0]
		m2 = mat[1]
	elif ( type( mat ) is str ):
		# is string
		m1 = ''		# comment not given
		m2 = mat
		print( "Error in create_match_dic() - mat is neither tuple nor string ")
	dd = {}
	s2 = m2.split(' ')
	for k in s2:
		ss = k.strip()
		if ss != '':
			s3 = ss.split('=')			
			if len(s3) > 1:
				dd[ s3[0].strip() ] = s3[1].strip()
	# note: m1 is set, if there is a comment 
	# before the <region> word in the sfz file
	dd['comment'] = m1
	#print " Dic : ", dd
	return dd
def process_file():
	ins_id = '0'
	name = 'bass drum 1'
	filename = 'flac/beats_08-19.flac'
	ret = ''
	# common variables
	# match with comment
	#rawstr_c = r"""\/\/\s?(.*)\s?\n\<region\>(.*)"""
	rawstr_c = r"""\/\/\s?(.*)\s?\n\<region\>([^\<]*)"""
	# match without comment
	#rawstr_n = r"""\<region\>(.*)"""
	rawstr_n = r"""\<region\>([^\<]*)"""
	# embedded_rawstr = r"""(?mx)\<region\>(.*)"""
	global fcont
	matchstr = str( fcont )
	# use a compile object
	re_comp_n = re.compile( rawstr_n,  re.MULTILINE| re.VERBOSE |re.DOTALL )
	re_comp_c = re.compile( rawstr_c,  re.MULTILINE| re.VERBOSE |re.DOTALL )
	# first process matches _with_ comment
	# search pattern
	#match_obj =
	matches =  re_comp_c.findall( matchstr )	
	#print matches
	#dir( matches )
	# Retrieve group(s) from match_obj
	#all_groups = match_obj.groups()
	# a dic with instrument-id as key and another dic as value, 
	# containing name-value mappings for a region
	all_mat = {}
	for mat in matches:
		# matches with comment
		# mDic has name-value mappings for a single region
		mDic = create_match_dic( mat )
		ins_id 		= mDic['key']			# 0
		all_mat[ ins_id ] = mDic
	# end for(mat)
	# now process matches _without_ comment
	# search pattern
	#match_obj =
	matches =  re_comp_n.findall(matchstr)	
	#print matches
	#dir( matches )
	# Retrieve group(s) from match_obj
	#all_groups = match_obj.groups()
	for mat in matches:
		# matches without comment
		mDic = create_match_dic( mat )
		ins_id 		= mDic['key']			# 0
		if mDic['comment'] == '':
			mDic['comment'] = 'Sample: ' + mDic['sample']
		if ins_id in all_mat:
			# region was processed in previous match round (with comments)
			all_mat[ ins_id ] = mDic
	# end for(mat)
	keys = list(all_mat.keys())
	# sort regions (found matches) by instrument id
	sorted_out_dic = {}
	last_id = 0
	for k in keys:
		mDic = all_mat[ k ]
		ins_id 		= mDic['key']			# 0
		ins_id_nr	= int(ins_id)
		name 		= mDic['comment']		# bass drum 1
		filename	= mDic['sample']		# flac/beats_08-19.flac
		if int(ins_id) < 36:
			# sfz note 36 is equal hydrogen instrument 0
			# thus we sort out values below 36
			# and append those later
			sorted_out_dic[ ins_id ] = mDic
		#last_id = ins_id_nr
		temx = h2tem % ( last_id, name, filename )
		ret += temx
		last_id += 1
	keys = list(sorted_out_dic.keys())
	# sort regions (found matches) by instrument id
	for k in keys:
		mDic = sorted_out_dic[ k ]
		last_id += 1
		ins_id 		= mDic['key']			# 0
		ins_id_nr	= last_id # int( ins_id) + last_id
		name 		= mDic['comment']		# bass drum 1
		filename	= mDic['sample']		# flac/beats_08-19.flac
		temx = h2tem % ( str(ins_id_nr), name, filename )
		ret += temx
	output_text = h2tem_head + ret + h2tem_foot
	# print( out )
	global output_file
	# output_file = 'drumkit.h2.xml'
	if os.path.exists( output_file ):
		print( 'NOTE: File NOT written. File %s already exists. ' % output_file )
		f = open( output_file, 'w+b' )
		# f.write( bytes( output_text, 'UTF-8' ))
		f.write( output_text.encode('UTF-8') )
		print( 'Output file written: ' + output_file )
# Start main function
def main():
if __name__ == '__main__':
k = """
// 35 Acoustic Bass Drum
36 Bass Drum 1		= h2-instrument 0
37 Side Stick 		= h2-instrument 1
38 Acoustic Snare
39 Hand Clap
40 Electric Snare
41 Low Floor Tom
42 Closed Hi Hat
43 High Floor Tom
44 Pedal Hi-Hat
45 Low Tom
46 Open Hi-Hat
47 Low-Mid Tom
48 Hi-Mid Tom
49 Crash Cymbal 1
50 High Tom
51 Ride Cymbal 1
52 Chinese Cymbal
wiki/user/emrum/sfz_to_h2.txt · Last modified: 2015/11/08 16:26 by emrum