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Description:FreeBoB is a a generic Linux driver for BeBoB platform based devices
Author:Daniel Wagner, Pieter Palmers
  • ‘BeBoB’ means the BridgeCo ( enhanced breakout box firmware.
  • BeBoB devices are audio breakout boxes running this firmware.
  • BeBoB devices are attached with IEEE1394, a.k.a FireWire™ or i.Link™, a high performance serial bus.
  • FreeBoB is a a generic Linux driver for BeBoB devices and will support JACK and ALSA API's.

The FreeBoB project has been superseded by the FFADO project. The FreeBoB codebase has been incorporated in the FFADO project's codebase. It will therefore become unmaintained when FFADO releases it's first version.

apps/all/freebob.1175158783.txt.gz · Last modified: 2007/03/29 10:59 by ppalmers