Hard copy

Computer Music: Synthesis, Composition, and Performance Famous excellent introductory text by Charles Dodge and Thomas Jerse. hard_copy and_now_for_somethin…,
Linux Multimedia Guide A book by Jeff Tranter, published by The O'Reilly Press Currently out of print. hard_copy and_now_for_something_rather_different,
Notes From The Metalevel Rick Taube's excellent book on his Common Music, a must-have for all students and users. hard_copy common_music and_now_for_somethi…, ,
The Book of Linux Music & Sound A book/CD by Dave Phillips, published by No Starch Press. hard_copy dead_link,
The Csound Book Rick Boulanger's dream come true, a thorough treatment of Csound by its community of users and developers. csound hard_copy and_now_for_some…, ,
Virtual Sound Excellent introduction to Csound. hard_copy csound and_now_for_something_rather_different, ,