MFFM VectorBass

MFFM VectorBass
Description:Melody line generation tool which lets you plot the pitch, volume and 'generic waveform sound'
Author:Matt Flax

MFFM vectorBass is an example of a few things :

  1. A melody line generation tool which lets you plot the pitch, volume and 'generic waveform sound'. This means you can essentially hear a piece of music, grab and plot the synth. waveform and generate your own melody lines using this synth. Whether the synth be a persons voice, bass or whatever! This is accomplished by merging a FM frequency modulator) and a Vector Graphics application (XFig).
  2. Rapid prototyping using a vector graphics application as the front end and a custom engine as the back end.
apps/all/mffm_vectorbass.txt ยท Last modified: 2014/03/01 21:43 by j_e_f_f_g