This is an old revision of the document!

Possible locations for concerts and social event(s)

Concerts and other events (except for excursions) will take place as close as possible to the conference location, i.e. central Utrecht.

Theater Kikker

[marc-091018] Large room may be available, I'll contact them this week

Huis aan de Werf

[marc-091025] Haven't contacted them yet


[marc-091025] Haven't contacted them yet


[marc-091025] Haven't contacted them yet

Utrecht Conservatory (== HKU faculty of Music)

[marc-091025] Haven't contacted them yet


[marc-091025] Haven't contacted them yet


[marc-091025] Haven't contacted them yet

Das Bilt
[marc-091025] Haven't contacted them yet

lac2010/locations.1258580629.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2009/11/18 22:43 by marcg