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Supercollider at the LAC

Supercollider will play a role in the Linux Sound Night as a vehicle for live coding.

During the day programme we're trying to offer Supercollider workshops as well. This page is for discussing the options

Beginner workshop (1.5 hours)

Take the first steps in SuperCollider!

SuperCollider has been up and running on Linux since shortly after it was released as open source software. In the past two years, it has become really easy to install on Linux, and is packaged in distributions such as PlanetCCRMA and Pure:Dyne. On Linux there is a choice between three editors: emacs, vim and gedit.

General information on obtaining SuperCollider: SourceForge Download Info. If you do not yet have a Linux system, we recommend downloading Pure:Dyne, which is a live distribution with SuperCollider pre-installed.

In this workshop we will show how to get started with SuperCollider on Linux, how to make a synthesizer patch, and how to control parameters in realtime.

Please drop me a line if you intend to attend this workshop.

Participants should have some basic knowledge of sound synthesis, and not be afraid of code :)

Contact: nescivi _ at _ gmail _ dot _ com

Advanced workshop (1.5 hours)

For more advanced users of SuperCollider we can offer another workshop covering specific advanced topics. Topics could include:

  • Input and output to devices or other programs (with e.g., MIDI, HID, OSC, SerialPort)
  • Patterns - a different paradigm of composing based on musical sequences
  • Extending SuperCollider - writing your own classes
  • Livecoding with SuperCollider, using the JITLib (just in time library)

For this workshop, please sign up, and let us know what topics you would like to see covered.

Participants should have some previous experience with SuperCollider and be familiar with the most basic concepts and syntax, and navigating through documentation.

Contact: nescivi _ at _ gmail _ dot _ com

LiveCode session at the Linux Sound Night (45 minutes)

- For the livecoding session, I am still playing around with a couple of ideas, somewhere between competetive and communal livecoding.

  • To participate, you will need to bring your own laptop (or other computer) with wifi, of course with SuperCollider installed.
  • Further details and some extensions you will need to install will be posted here, and emailed to anyone signing up to participate.

Contact: nescivi _ at _ gmail _ dot _ com

lac2010/supercollider.1270946542.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/04/11 02:42 by