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Misc information related to dsp/audio programming and development.
. Related pages:
- libraries, APIs: APIs,Code-Libraries for audio,graphics,media,GUIs
Higher-level real-time programming languages
- “ We aim to make it easy to write high-performance parallel programs that can be retargeted to a wide variety of computer architectures. We are developing a new style of parallel programming, which separates the program logic from the parallelism details, and enables a program to be moved easily from one computer architecture to another. ”
- “Squirrel is a high level imperative, object-oriented programming language, designed to be a light-weight scripting language that fits in the size, memory bandwidth, and real-time requirements of applications like video games. ”
- “ A real-time language for music and animation. Serpent was designed and implemented as a stand-alone, general purpose interpreter. Serpent is perhaps ideal as a game scripting language due to its real-time design and support for external C++ objects and C functions. ”
- UrbiScript
- “ Urbi is an open-source software platform to control robots or complex systems in general. It includes a C++ component library called UObject. ”
- Java - with RTSJ-JRE (Real-Time-Specification for Java - Runtime Environment)
- jRate - An extension of the GNU GCJ compiler front-end and runtime system which adds support for most of the features required by the Real-Time Specification for Java.
- Cython - Makes possible to write C-like code with Python-Style Syntax (strange mix of python and c)
- EEL - hard real-time language, C-like. Home: - Article: