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Description:Scriptable AUdio (SAU) Generation System. Command-line parser, player, and format converter for SAU scripts. Supports ALSA, OSS, and (on OpenBSD) sndio.
Author:Joel K. Pettersson

saugns implements the SAU (Scriptable AUdio) language, and is a command-line parser, player, and WAV file writer for SAU scripts. It makes it easy to write script files which play sounds when ran. It's also possible to pipe audio data from it over stdout.

Currently most useful for generating tones, sounds, soundscapes, and simple timed sequences. Can be used tersely and simply for that, but the language still lacks features for music composition without duplicating lots of script content.

The SAU language currently provides these audio generators, which can be used and combined in any number.

  • 'R' (Random segments generator), 12 line types. Value noise generator. Supports AM/RM, FM and PM.
  • 'W' (Wave oscillator), 12 wave types. Conventional oscillator, weakly anti-aliased. Supports AM/RM, FM and PM.


apps/all/saugns.1704045370.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2023/12/31 18:56 by joelkp