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Possible locations for concerts and social event(s)

Concerts and other events (except for excursions) will take place as close as possible to the conference location, i.e. central Utrecht.

Theater Kikker

[marc-11 jan] Smaller theatre room confirmed for May 2. It's a nice room which can take up to 70 people. If we get substantially more requests to attend we can consider performing each concert twice.

Huis aan de Werf

[marc-100111] They don't rent any space in May due to end of May festival


[marc jan 11] Available 2,3,4 May. Possibly excellent location for Linux Sound Night but also for a concert Confirmed 3 May


[marc-091025] Haven't contacted them yet

Utrecht Conservatory (== HKU faculty of Music)

[marcg Jan 11] call again tomorrow [marcg Jan 14] Made appointment to look at the rooms next week Option for 1,2,3 May


[marc-091025] Haven't contacted them yet


[marc-091025] Haven't contacted them yet

Das Bilt
[marc-091025] Haven't contacted them yet

(Amsterdam) might also be a good location for the sound night. Robin has contacts there.


Possibly nice for sound night or -even better- an excursion

EKKO [marcg-100111] still negotiating about the price

Stairway to Heaven

[marcg 11 jan] Try again tomorrow

What about the following locations

Jeremy (OpenID) 2010/01/13 15:01

  • ACU, nice venue with a stage but also a nice café [marcg]→ excellent idea ! I'll give them a call
  • DB's, also a very nice venue with a stage and rehearsal rooms of which at least one is suitable for workshops or small concerts [marcg]→ It's a bit far to walk but if all else fails it surely is an option
lac2010/locations.1272212762.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/01/11 04:51 (external edit)