General Resources


You're just starting to make music on Linux? This is the place to start!

Howto section forum

  • You can find some quick howto's and links to tutorials in our 'howto section' on our forum

Linux Journal articles

  • Dave Phillips from wrote some nice writings for linuxjournal about linux audio applications, system and midi configuration, loop-based music composition etc. You can find them here. (Dave Phillips is a musician, teacher and writer living in Findlay, Ohio. He has been an active member of the Linux Audio community since his first contact with Linux in 1995. He is the author of The Book of Linux Music & Sound, as well as numerous articles in Linux Journal.)

HowTO Make Music on Linux

Installing Linux Audio Distributions


  • KXStudio Manual a WIP install guide and introduction to the KXStudio distribution

Ubuntu Studio



Knowing Jack

  • An introduction article by Dave Philips about Jack.

The official JACK FAQ

Howto Jack (Gentoo wiki)

Jack Synchronization: A Primer For Linux Users

  • An article by Dave Philips about Jack Syncronization.

GUI's for JACK


Howto set up QjackCtl in Ubuntu

  • An article about it, you can find here.

Qjackctl (settings), 64studio manual

QjackCtl and the Patchbay

  • Check information about QjackCtl, Jack connections and the patchbay at the official QjackCtl website. (Note: there is a new version of QjackCtl, so things may work a bit different now.)

JACK and YouTube

  • YouTube download HowTo (for 64studio) 'Unfortunately the flash player plugin for firefox doesn't support JACK, so if you want to playback a YouTube video through jack you will have to download it.'

QjackCtl and Qsynth

* Article about QjackCtl and Qsynth (2005).

Dutch tutorial


Cadence is the default JACK GUI of KXStudio but it can also be installed and used under other Linux distributions. As well as controlling JACK it integrates support for ALSA2JACK, Pulseaudio and LADISH studios.

Recording on Linux

  • Tips for recording drums.

Recording on Ubuntu

  • Howto use Linux (Ubuntu) as your home recording studio



Qtractor - An Audio/MIDI multi-track sequencer

Rosegarden - Audio and MIDI sequencer/ score editor

Muse - MIDI/Audio sequencer

Loop-based Music Composition with Linux




Sound Effects

  • Some Nice sound effects on Linux with Ardour.

Howto: Creating great guitar sounds on GNU/ Linux

  • Great manual by Arda EDEN
  • Howto: Jack-Rack as a guitar effect-processor (with LASH)
  • Howto AlsaModularSynth as a guitar effect-processor


  • Rakarrack is a guitar effects processor for GNU / Linux simple and easy to use but it contains features that make it unique in this field of applications. It contains 10 effects: Linear Equalizer, Parametric Equalizer, Compressor, Distorsion, Overdrive, Echo, Chorus, Phaser, Flanger and Reverb. Demo.
  • Article by Dave Philips about Rackarrack. 'Rakarrack includes ten effects processing modules, 80 preset patches, a built-in tuner, and a monophonic pitch-to-MIDI converter'.



DJing with Freewheeling, Hydrogen, a Foot switch & external MIDI controllers


Linux Sampler



  • Tutorial for Hydrogen drummachine.
  • Howto make an Hydrogen drumkit.
  • Make a Roll sound realistic.


  • HowTo write beats (with Lilypond) in about twenty different music styles.

Audio Programming Language


Notation editing


  • Guide for the Absolute Beginner.



* MuseScore is a mature and very popular WYSIWYG music notation program. The main site has a thorough handbook and links to introductory videos and more.

* MuseScore can also export and import Lilypond format, musicxml, and MIDI, and export to PDF and to audio files

Drum & percussion

  • Guide To Drum & Percussion Notation.

Notation tablature legend

wiki/manuals_tutorials_and_howto_s.txt · Last modified: 2013/06/02 15:45 by