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TAG: lilypond

Denemo Denemo is a music notation program for Linux and Windows that lets you rapidly enter notation for typesetting via the LilyPond music engraver. Music can…, , , , ,
Laborejo Laborejo, Esperanto for “Workshop”, is used to craft music through notation. It is a LilyPond GUI frontend, a MIDI creator and finally a tool collec…, , , , ,
LilyComp “This program was written to speed up the creation of lead sheets. It just enters notes and rests with the indicated duration.” lilypond music_nota…,
LilyPond The music typesetter for Linux, outputs TeX, PostScript, PDF, and MIDI files, with an awesome features set and beautiful notation LilyPond-relate…,
LilyPond Guide For Beginners * <> a set of introductory tutorials from Eugene Cormier lilypond music_notation_editors and_…, , ,
MuseScore MuseScore is a cross-platform scorewriter supporting a wide variety of file formats and input methods. lilypond music_notation_editors,
NoteEdit Qt-based notation editor with output in LilyPond, MIDI, and MusicXML formats lilypond music_notation_editors,
OOoLilyPond a neat macro for inserting LilyPond-created music notation into documents, from Samuel Hartmann lilypond music_notation_editors,
PMW Philip's Music Writer, an easy-to-use music typesetting program lilypond music_notation_editors,
Rosegarden Advanced audio/MIDI sequencer, notation editor, Csound-score producer, score creation from MIDI input and more. Supports plugins (softsynths/effects…, , , , , , , ,