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ametro Simple MIDI metronome using the ALSA sequencer Obsolete. Latest release from 2003. See Drumstick Metronome alsa_seq metronomes unmaintained midi_sof…, , ,
Countbeats displays tempo when you tap the spacebar, requires Python/Tkinter metronomes
ctronome Command-line metronome. Uses OSS (not ALSA or JACK). metronomes
DiffM a Java-based metronome metronomes unmaintained,
Drumstick Metronome MIDI based metronome using the ALSA Sequencer, with Qt user interface. metronomes alsa_seq midi_software, ,
GTick Gtk2-based metronome metronomes
gtklick A simple metronome, providing a graphical frontend to klick. Like klick it offers native JACK support and four different sounds to choose from, but cur…,
klick klick is an advanced command-line based metronome for JACK. It allows you to define complex tempo maps for entire songs or performances. Features: * …, ,
Metronome a MIDI-based metronome with Gtk interface metronomes
apps/categories/metronomes.1339079803.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/06/07 16:36 by