This is an old revision of the document!

User Requests

We'd like users (like you) to maintain the information on this site, but are aware that the current edit interface is not yet end-user friendly (we're working on it).

If you don't feel up for the task, or simply lack the time, feel free to add pointers here, so that others will hopefully get to do it..

Bookmarklet - Beta

PS. We are aware that the tag list needs to be cleaned up. (jul 24, 2008 ;) )

New applications

List applications missing in /apps:all:name here:

  • veejay - a visual 'music' instrument.
  • ttrigger is a program for playing sound effects in connection with a theater or other show.
  • ldrum - a drum machine.
  • oddcast - an Icecast/Shoutcast streamer.
  • I hear U is a Voice over IP (VoIP) application that creates an audio stream between two computers easily and with the minimal network traffic.
  • MiMo - a simple MIDI monitor utility
  • Jack4j - another Jack library for Java
  • HighC - a graphical music creation tool inspired from Iannis Xenakis UPIC. See LinuxJournal review.
  • StudioGO “A complete entertainment system with various multimedia and graphics tools to create, edit or play”
  • RocXshop “A new Linux Audio project based on PCLinux OS….still in Beta…”
  • Vafeo Audio “vd_audio offers a musical environment well adapted for home studio. This version is still in beta test.”

Request for review

!- please add a link to the entry in question, -! !- and if appropriate a short note or comment, -! !- eg. * example - wrong tags, it's not a syth. -!

  • ppc - e-mu Planet Phatt/Orbit/Carnaval remote/sysex editor

Other requests

Other content related discussion

  • split long category names (eg. Software_Sound_Synthesis_and_Music_Composition_Packages ) into two tags.
wiki/request.1258277817.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/11/15 10:36 by lee