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This page list programs that provide some instructional assistance in playing a musical instrument.


Countbeats displays tempo when you tap the spacebar, requires Python/Tkinter metronomes
ctronome Command-line metronome. Uses OSS (not ALSA or JACK). metronomes
Drumstick Metronome MIDI based metronome using the ALSA Sequencer, with Qt user interface. metronomes alsa_seq midi_software, ,
GTick Gtk2-based metronome metronomes
gtklick A simple metronome, providing a graphical frontend to klick. Like klick it offers native JACK support and four different sounds to choose from, but cur…,
klick klick is an advanced command-line based metronome for JACK. It allows you to define complex tempo maps for entire songs or performances. Features: * …, ,
Metronome a MIDI-based metronome with Gtk interface metronomes

Ear-training and Chords/scales

Clamor ear-training app ear_training
DrumPatterns Web-based tool for learning drum rudiments and other patterns. Produces a MIDI file you download drumming ear_training,
FTAP Beat-tapping and music-performance experiments ear_training
Gnome-chord for_guitarists_only chord_and_scale_utilities,
Guitar/Bass Mode Maker Helps the guitar player learn scales, modes, chords, and create new scales chord_and_scale_utilities for_guitarists_only,
GuitarCodex Plus Java app allows a guitarist to see and hear chords, scales and displays associated guitar chords in a graphical representation. Using the mous…,
phonascus A program that can be used to study scales, intervals, chords. chord_and_scale_utilities score_recognition_software temperament_and_intonatio…, , ,
Solfege ear training program with Gtk interface ear_training jack,

Score learning

jalmus score_recognition_software
KLearnNotes2 Qt app to learn score reading. score_recognition_software
midi sheet music Midi Sheet Music is a free program that simultaneously: * Plays MIDI music files * Highlights the piano notes * Highlights the sheet music…,
nootka Qt4 app that helps to learn score reading and guitar tabulature. Uses ALSA or PulseAudio. alsa_seq tablature_software score_recognition_software for_gu…, , ,
phonascus A program that can be used to study scales, intervals, chords. chord_and_scale_utilities score_recognition_software temperament_and_intonatio…, , ,
Score Reading Trainer Improves musical score reading skills by practice with random scores. score_recognition_software
ScoreDate Java app that helps musicians to learn music reading. It is suitable for any skill, from beginners to professional users. From slow training to first…,


A Jazz Improvisation Primer * <> an excellent first guide from Marc Sabatella courseware on-line_articles and_n…, ,
Berklee Shares free music lessons from the Berklee College of Music courseware and_now_for_something_rather_different,
clementi courseware
Harmony Central A good site for technical information, includes some free lesson material courseware and_now_for_something_rather_different,
linthesia courseware
MIT OpenCourseWare “... a free and open educational resource for faculty, students, and self-learners around the world”, from the Massachusetts Institute of Te…,
Piano Booster courseware

Abandoned Software

Big Ears an on-line ear-training utility, requires a Java-enabled browser and a Windows ActiveX component not made for linux unmaintained ear_training,
Rhythm Lab nice utility for realizing and testing polyrhythms, from Aaron Lav drumming unmaintained ear_training, ,

See also:

apps/categories/accompaniment_and_practice_software.1394367214.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/03/09 13:13 by j_e_f_f_g