Page | Description | Tags |
| 5 Linux Media Players: Which is the Best Fit?
network_audio and_now_for_something_rather_different on-line_articles video_software | Network Audio,
Not software,
On-line articles,
Video Software |
| darkice
mpeg_players_and_encoders network_audio jack | MPEG Player/Encoder,
Network Audio,
| Freecast
oggvorbis network_audio | OggVorbis,
Network Audio |
| GStreamer
network_audio development | Network Audio,
Development |
| GStreamer Pipeline Editor
requires GStreamer
network_audio development | Network Audio,
Development |
| Helix DNA Producer
network_audio development | Network Audio,
Development |
| Icecast
* <>
is an MP3 audio broadcasting system
icecast network_audio | icecast,
Network Audio |
| jammr
Play online jam sessions
!- preferred date format: YYYY-MM-DD -! | Network Audio |
| javashout
Java app for shouting MP3s to a Shoutcast server
network_audio | Network Audio |
| mod_mp3
network_audio | Network Audio |
| MozPlugger
autoplay embedded audio and MIDI files in the Mozilla Web browser
network_audio | Network Audio |
perl script that acts as a network interface to the rxaudio or a patched version of mpg123 player
mpeg_players_and_encoders network_audio | MPEG Player/Encoder,
Network Audio |
server-side application for playing music. Through plugins and libraries it can play a variety of sound files while being controlled by its network protoco… | Network Audio |
provides an end to end system to stream MPEG-4 multimedia.
network_audio | Network Audio |
| MuSE
network_audio | Network Audio |
network_audio | Network Audio |
| ninjam
network jam session software
network_audio | Network Audio |
| pongserver
client/server programs that talk to one another about the current location of the client objects in the server's playing field
unmaintained netwo… | Unmaintained projects,
Network Audio |
the Radio Broadcasting Open Source System, a project from Radio Free Asia
network_audio and_now_for_something_rather_different documentation | Network Audio,
Not software,
Resources and Support |
| RadioSuite HD
a Linux-based hard-disk storage system (hard/software) for high-performance network broadcasting
network_audio | Network Audio |
| RPlay
feature-rich UDP/TCP network audio system
network_audio | Network Audio |
| Shoutcast
network_audio | Network Audio |
| ShoutCastProxy
Shoutcast multiplexer, lets multiple clients listen to the same ShoutCast session using only single-client bandwidth.
network_audio unmaintaine… | Network Audio,
Unmaintained projects |
| Snake dance: The Kamaelia streaming media system
a description from Daniel James
on-line_articles network_audio | On-line articles,
Network Audio |
| Streaming Media With Linux
in-depth article on using software for both the client and server sides
on-line_articles_by_dave_phillips network_audio howtos_an… | On-line Dave Phillips,
Network Audio,
HOWTOs and FAQs |
| streamixer
network_audio | Network Audio |
| VLC Media Player
a highly portable multimedia player for various audio and video formats (MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, mp3, ogg, ...) as well as DVDs, VCDs, a… | Network Audio,
Simple Player,
Video Software |
World Wide Radio, a low-bandwidth Internet radio client/server
network_audio | Network Audio |
| Zinf
simple powerful audio player formerly known as FreeAMP, supports MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, WAV and CD audio, SHOUTcast/Icecast HTTP streaming
players mpeg_playe… | Simple Player,
MPEG Player/Encoder,
Network Audio |