
Advanced Gtk+ Sequencer Advanced Gtk+ Sequencer is an audio sequencer written in C using GObject and Gtk+. It features a piano roll, as well a synth, matrix ed…, , , , , , , , , , ,
Anthem Qt MIDI sequencer sequencers midi_software,
Ardour Professional-grade multitrack/multichannel hard-disk recording. Ardour allows you to record and edit both audio and MIDI data, add many different kinds…, , , , , , , , , , , ,
ariamaestosa Cross-platform MIDI sequencer/editor. Lets users compose, edit and play MIDI files in a simple user interface offering score, keyboard (piano-roll…, , , , , ,
b-tektracker Command-line MIDI step-sequencer based on TekTracker. Uses OSS for MIDI (not ALSA or JACK) sequencers midi_software,
B.Jumblr B.Jumblr is a pattern-controlled audio stream / sample re-sequencer LV2 plugin. B.Jumblr is neither a sample slicer nor a step sequencer. From the te…, , ,
B.Oops Glitch effect sequencer LV2 plugin Key features: * Multi-effect plugin controlled by extended step sequencer patterns * Apply glitch effects in li…, , , , ,
B.SEQuencer Multi channel MIDI step sequencer LV2 plugin with a variable matrix Key features: * Step sequencer with a selectable pattern matrix size (8×16,…, , ,
BEAST/BSE Beast is a powerful music composition and modular synthesis application. It has excellent technical abilities like multitrack editing, unlimited und…, , ,
BINARS * <> “an open-source sequencer for Linux, ALSA, and GNOME”, from Michael Ashton unmaintained sequencers midi_softwar…, ,
Bipscript a simple programming environment for creating music Features * instantiate and connect LV2 plugins to create audio and MIDI networks * schedule…, , , , , , , , ,
Buzztrax A Midi tracker modelled on Buzz. If you’ve used tracker programs like FastTracker, Impulse Tracker, or the original AMIGA SoundTracker, that will giv…, , ,
cantor * <> MIDI sequencer/editor project unmaintained sequencers midi_software, ,
CursedSequencer - CuSE Purely character-based (command-line) midi sequencer. For blinds, for 'composition over network', for purists, etc. Requires cdk …, ,
Dino Integrated MIDI piano roll editor and sequencer engine using JACK MIDI. Primary author is Lars Luthman. It's using the GTK toolkit and depends on LASH. …, , , , ,
Epichord Midi sequencer for JACK-Midi midi_software sequencers jack jack_midi jack_transport lash, , , , ,
fltracker unmaintained midi_software sequencers, ,
Frinika Music workstation software for operating systems running Java 1.5. Information from the Frinika website: Frinika is a free (licensed under GNU GPL) c…, ,
HarmonySeq MIDI Sequencer HarmonySEQ is a live loop-based MIDI software sequencer intended to aid music composers and performers. * manages a set of separa…, ,
iannix OSC Sequencer IanniX is a graphical OSC sequencer for digital art. Create events and curves to control your real-time environment. * OSC ( Ope…, ,
jacker tracker A MIDI Tracker with support for JackAudio/Midi. midi_software sequencers jack jack_midi, , ,
JAZZ++ An old integrated MIDI/audio sequencer for Linux currently being revitalized. Sources available but at present only with 'minimum functionality' Docu…,
KMidiTracker excellent tracker-style MIDI sequencer from David Moreno Montero unmaintained sequencers midi_software, ,
LMMS it's the Linux MultiMedia Studio, “... a free alternative to popular programs like FruityLoops, Cubase and Logic” midi_software sequencers daw, ,
MidiEditor MidiEditor is a free software providing an interface to edit, record, and play Midi data. The editor is able to open existing Midi files and modify…, ,
midish MIDI sequencer and filter with a shell-like appearance. sequencers midi_software,
Moony The design goal of the plugin bundle was to create a tool to easily add realtime programmable logic glue in LV2 plugin graphs. To have plugins which do…, , , , ,
MusE MusE is a MIDI/Audio sequencer with recording and editing capabilities written originally by Werner Schweer now developed and maintained by the MusE devel…, , , , , , , , , , ,
Non-Sequencer The Non Sequencer is a powerful real-time, pattern-based MIDI sequencer for Linux. It fills the void left by countless DAWs, piano-roll editors, …, , , , , ,
open octave seq fork of MusE sequencer (2011-01) midi_software sequencers,
QMidiArp A MIDI Arpeggiator, Step Sequencer and Controller LFO. QMidiArp is an advanced MIDI arpeggiator, programmable step sequencer and LFO for eithe…, , , , , , , ,
Qtractor Qtractor is an Audio/MIDI multi-track sequencer application written in C++ with the Qt framework. Target platform is Linux, where the Jack Audio Con…, , , , , , , , , , ,
qTribe Midi Drum Sequencer qTribe is a step-based MIDI sequencer, heavily influenced by the layout and operation of the Korg Electribe series of 'grooveboxes…, ,
Radium unique graphic music-making environment with similarities to module trackers and MIDI sequencers. sequencers midi_software ladspa jack jack_midi alsa_s…, , , , ,
Rosegarden Advanced audio/MIDI sequencer, notation editor, Csound-score producer, score creation from MIDI input and more. Supports plugins (softsynths/effects…, , , , , , , ,
Sekaiju Midi Sequencer Windows software, written in “Microsoft VisualC++” “Sekaiju” is free, open source MIDI sequencer software for creating and editi…,
seq24 Loop-based MIDI sequencer simplified for live performance. Uses ALSA sequencer interface jack_transport alsa_seq lash sequencers midi_software jack la…, , , , , ,
seq42 a fork of seq24 with a greater emphasis on song editing (as opposed to live looping) using tracks to organize your sequences; plus various other enhancem…, , ,
Sherlock A monitor/debug tool for LV2 plugin and host authors. It captures all Atom events sent to its event input port and presents them on its user interface…, , , , ,
SoftWerk a MIDI sequencer based on the design of the Doepfer Schaltwerk analog sequencer sequencers midi_software,
Stochas Stochas is at it’s core a step sequencer, which means it generates MIDI notes. As such it does not generate any sound of it’s own but can be used to se…, ,
TekTracker MIDI sequencer with tracker-style interface sequencers midi_software,
TISM Command-line MIDI sequencer. GTK GUI available. Uses OSS or ALSA RawMidi. sequencers midi_software,
Tutka GTK MIDI tracker/sequencer. Uses ALSA or JACK. sequencers midi_software alsa_seq jack, , ,
VM Program arbitrary LV2 filters in a virtual machine. Comes with separate plugins for LV2 Control, CV, Audio and Atom ports. new lv2_plugins osc sequen…, , , , ,
Wired audio/MIDI music production system. Uses JACK. daw midi_software sequencers jack alsa_seq unmaintained, , , , ,