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The following list are DAW (digital audio workstation) apps. A DAW allows you to record/overdub numerous “tracks” of audio, synchronized and mixed down (typically to 2 channel stereo). You can typically mute or solo, and apply effects, per each individual track.

Recommended: Ardour, Qtractor, Audacity, LMMS

Ardour Professional-grade multitrack/multichannel hard-disk recording. Ardour allows you to record and edit both audio and MIDI data, add many different kinds…, , , , , , , , , , , ,
Audacity Audio editor and DAW, in GTK, with support for multiple tracks and 8, 16, or 24/32-bit samples, read/write many file formats, uses LADSPA and VAMP plu…, , , , ,
BEAST/BSE Beast is a powerful music composition and modular synthesis application. It has excellent technical abilities like multitrack editing, unlimited und…, , ,
ecasound daw jack_transport ladspa jack alsa_seq, , , ,
EMi Python GUI for ecasound. daw ecasound,
Frinika Music workstation software for operating systems running Java 1.5. Information from the Frinika website: Frinika is a free (licensed under GNU GPL) c…, ,
GNUsound GTK sound editor with support for multiple tracks and 8, 16, or 24/32-bit samples, read/write many file formats, and LADSPA plugins. Uses ALSA or JACK…, ,
LMMS it's the Linux MultiMedia Studio, “... a free alternative to popular programs like FruityLoops, Cubase and Logic” midi_software sequencers daw, ,
meterec meterec works as a basic multi track tape recoder. The aim of this software is to minimise the interactions of the users with the computer and allow th…, , ,
MusE MusE is a MIDI/Audio sequencer with recording and editing capabilities written originally by Werner Schweer now developed and maintained by the MusE devel…, , , , , , , , , , ,
nama DAW based on the Ecasound audio processing engine. Provides a command interpreter with a Tk based GUI and project management using git. Productivity aids …, , , , , ,
Non-Timeline The Non Time is a powerful, reliable and fast modular Digital Audio Workstation system, released under the GNU General Public License (GPL). It ut…, , , , ,
ocenaudio Cross-platform audio editor and DAW, using the Ocen Framework. Supports multiple tracks and 8, 16, or 32-bit samples. Reads and writes FLAC, MP3, and…, , , ,
ProTux hard-disk recording and audio processing suite. ProTux is not released yet. Version 0.7 can be downloaded, but users are advised to wait for version 1.…
Qtractor Qtractor is an Audio/MIDI multi-track sequencer application written in C++ with the Qt framework. Target platform is Linux, where the Jack Audio Con…, , , , , , , , , , ,
Traverso multitrack audio recording and editing program. Supports Jack, LV2, Jack Transport. daw jack_transport lv2 jack, , ,
Zrythm A digital audio workstation designed to be featureful and easy to use. It allows limitless automation through curves, LFOs and envelopes, supports multi…, , , , , , , , ,

Audio Editors

The following list are audio editing apps. Unlike a DAW, the audio editor doesn't deal with mixing/synchronizing numerous audio tracks. Instead, it concentrates upon editing a single audio file (typically mono or stereo). Because of this precise dedication, it usually allows more fine-tuned editing of the actual waveform than a DAW does. (But some DAWs are more like editors, such as Audacity.) Typically, the waveform is graphically displayed whereby you can zoom in/out, and use the mouse to mark an excerpt for processing.

Audacity Audio editor and DAW, in GTK, with support for multiple tracks and 8, 16, or 24/32-bit samples, read/write many file formats, uses LADSPA and VAMP plu…, , , , ,
AudioCutter Cinema Java app with an emphasis on editing “surround” soundfiles java audio_editors,
ecawave audio_editors
Eisenkraut Eisenkraut is a standalone, cross-platform audio file editor using the SuperCollider3 app jack audio_editors META:releasedate=2020-10-06~~,
KWave Soundfile editor for KDE audio_editors
LAoE LAoE means Layer-based Audio Editor, and it is a rich featured graphical audiosample-editor, based on multi-layers, floating-point samples, volume-masks, …,
LoopAuditioneer Loads a .wav file, displays/plays existing markers and loops, and lets you adjust/resave them. Can also create new, cross-faded loops. Uses wxW…
Marlin audio_editors
mhWaveEdit Simple GUI soundfile editor. LADSPA plugin support. Uses ALSA or JACK jack audio_editors ladspa, ,
ocenaudio Cross-platform audio editor and DAW, using the Ocen Framework. Supports multiple tracks and 8, 16, or 32-bit samples. Reads and writes FLAC, MP3, and…, , , ,
Polyphone Soundfont Editor More than a simple editor, Polyphone has been designed to efficiently deal with big sets of instruments involving a large amount of …
Snd Sound editor modelled loosely after Emacs. It can be customized and extended using either s7, Ruby, or Forth. Related projects and documentation: ladsp…, ,
Snd-ls a version of Snd for those of us who “don't know Scheme very well”. snd ladspa jack audio_editors, , ,
Snd-RT realtime audio extensions for Snd. snd alsa_seq ladspa jack audio_editors, , , ,
SndBite “audio editor designed for breaking large recordings into smaller components” audio_editors
Sonic Visualiser advanced waveform/spectrogram viewer and audio annotation editor vamp dssi ladspa jack audio_editors, , , ,
Studio requires Tcl/Tk audio_editors
Swami Sampled Waveforms And Musical Instruments (SWAMI) is a tool in progress for creating, editing, and combining SF2 SoundFonts. Uses JACK. jack audio_edito…, , , , ,
WaveSurfer a soundfile editor, requires the Snack extensions audio_editors

Basic recording

The following list are simple audio recording apps. They typically don't display the waveform, nor have elaborate editing. Some may not even have a graphical user interface, and should instead be run from a terminal window (command line).

Manauton simple_rec
QARecord Simple multithreaded stereo recording tool jack simple_rec,
screcord.lv2 a simple, ultra lightweight Lv2 capture plugin Include a mono and a stereo capture plugin. using libsndfile <…,
Time Machine “I used to always keep a minidisc recorder in my studio running in a mode where when you pressed record it wrote the last 10 seconds of audio to t…, ,

Basic playback

The following list are simple audio playback apps. They typically don't display the waveform, nor do recording. Some may not even have a graphical user interface. Most support numerous audio file formats, and some play video files too.

Recommended audio: Amarok, Aqualung, XMMS
Recommended video: MPlayer, VLC, xine

AlsaPlayer A new type of PCM player. It is heavily multi-threaded and tries to excercise the ALSA library and driver quite a bit. It has some very interesting …
Amarok * <> excellent feature-rich music player for Linux players
Aqualung A music player for GNU/Linux. Aqualung plays audio CDs, internet radio streams and podcasts as well as soundfiles in just about any audio format and …, ,
audiobrowse.bash simple commandline audio preview of directories for sample-artists / musician and producers Because deadsimple audition of directories with sa…, , ,
MPlayer Simple media player, supports a large variety of video and audio formats players jack video_software, ,
OggVorbis Player file player with GTK interface oggvorbis players,
SnackAmp multiformat player handles MP3/WAV/Ogg files, requires the SNACK toolkit players
squelch nice OggVorbis audio player with playlist and tag editor, requires Qt players oggvorbis,
VLC Media Player a highly portable multimedia player for various audio and video formats (MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, DivX, mp3, ogg, ...) as well as DVDs, VCDs, a…, ,
XAnim players video_software,
xine a most excellent multiformat audio/video player players video_software,
XMMS excellent player for MP3, MOD, WAV and other formats mpeg_players_and_encoders ladspa players jack, , ,
XMovie DVD and Quicktime movie player, supports JPEG Photo, YUV2, and raw RGB modes, with stereo audio in PCM, ulaw, or IMA4 formats players video_software,
Zinf simple powerful audio player formerly known as FreeAMP, supports MP3, Ogg/Vorbis, WAV and CD audio, SHOUTcast/Icecast HTTP streaming players mpeg_playe…, ,

Misc. audio tools

audiobrowse.bash simple commandline audio preview of directories for sample-artists / musician and producers Because deadsimple audition of directories with sa…, , ,
basef Manipulates parameters found in AIFF soundfile header. Requires Csound. soundfile_util csound_helper,
bash drumloopslicer Using purely bash. This is handy for automating generation of sample libraries e.g. requirement: bc, sox and vamp-example-plugins warning…, ,
bash seamless loop wavfile bashscript which turns an wavfile into a seamless loopable wavfile (using a crossfade technique). The faderatio indicates the length…, ,
calcamp calculates what factor a sample needs for amplification to maximum volume (requires libsndfile) soundfile_util
declick soundfile_util
fdmf soundfile_util
Gnome Wave Cleaner Digital audio restoration of CD quality audio wavefiles. Dehiss, declick and decrackle in a GUI environment. soundfile_util
JOrbis JOrbis is a pure Java Ogg Vorbis decoder. JOrbis accepts Ogg Vorbis bitstreams and decodes them to raw PCM. oggvorbis soundfile_util java, ,
OggVorbis Tag Editor includes a patch for editing tags in XMMS oggvorbis soundfile_util,
SampleCat - Audio File Browser A very useful browser and catalog app. MySql and Sqlite can be used for the database. jack soundfile_util, Automatic sample-categorizer for lazy artists. BASH-script which converts directories with audiosamples into symbolically linked trees sorted on…, , Automatic audio sample-tagging for lazy artists. This bash-script converts audiosample-directories into symbolically linked trees sorted on tags …,
sauditor jack soundfile_util,
shntool shntool is a multi-purpose WAVE data processing and reporting utility that supports various lossless audio formats. These include SHN (shorten), FLAC, …
Sonic Annotator command-line app for feature extraction and annotation of audio files using Vamp plugins. Writes to RDF or text file. vamp soundfile_util,
soundfont instr2raw SF2/XI instrument inspection/conversion utilities + looppoint insertiontools for AIFF/WAV..all for loopedinstrument fanatics There are man…,
soundgrab soundgrab is a perl script which allows the user to interactively select and save their favorite portions of a long volume of ogg or raw audio data. …
soxmasterhouse Automatic (commandline) mastering of audio using sox/ladspa/vst effects. Why? to automate post-processing of music, specifically to ease masteri…,
Swami Sampled Waveforms And Musical Instruments (SWAMI) is a tool in progress for creating, editing, and combining SF2 SoundFonts. Uses JACK. jack audio_edito…, , , , ,
Vorbix oggvorbis soundfile_util,
wavbreaker/wavmerge This application's purpose in life is to take a wave file and break it up into multiple wave files. It makes a clean break at the correct p…
Wavelength soundfile_util
WavSplit WavSplit splits large WAV files at given time positions. To find out split positions you can use any WAV player or editor with a time display. soundf…

File format conversion

*2raw file_conversion soundfile_util,
aifc2wav file_conversion soundfile_util,
audio convert a script to convert wav, ogg, mp3, mpc, flac, ape or wma files into wav, ogg, mp3, mpc, flac or ape files. with an easy to use interface it's act…,
AudioMove AudioMove is a simple, easy to use GUI-based batch audio file copy-and-conversion program file_conversion soundfile_util,
Dolby AC3 to IEC958 Converter (Direct link) file_conversion soundfile_util,
mp32ogg file_conversion soundfile_util,
sample-multi-shotifier A sample 'stitcher'. Breath new life into your hardware/software samplers by using multishots + start-sample-offset-parameter. Combine a…, , ,
sfArkXTc file_conversion soundfile_util,
soundconverter The sound conversion application for the GNOME environment. It reads anything the GStreamer library can read (Ogg Vorbis, AAC, MP3, FLAC, WAV, A…,
SoX SoX is a cross-platform (Windows, Linux, MacOS X, etc.) command line utility that can convert various formats of computer audio files in to other formats. …, ,
abrowse abrowse is a program which allows you to read AKAI S1000/3000 sample CD's and write the samples into wav audio format. soundfile_util hardware_linux,
Lakai soundfile_util hardware_linux,
mirage-disk soundfile_util hardware_linux,
SQ80 Toolkit soundfile_util hardware_linux,


An Analysis of Sample Rate Conversion in SoX on-line technical paper on-line_articles and_now_for_something_rather_different sox soundfile_util, , ,
Audio Processing Pipelines howtos_and_faqs soundfile_util sox, ,
Editing Audio In Linux howtos_and_faqs soundfile_util,
The Linux Soundfile Editor Roundup on-line_articles_by_dave_phillips soundfile_util on-line_articles and_now_for_something_rather_different, , ,
The Trouble with Vorbis on-line_articles and_now_for_something_rather_different soundfile_util, ,
Which Sounds Better, MP3 or Ogg ? on-line_articles and_now_for_something_rather_different soundfile_util, ,

Unmaintained software

DarkWave Studio DAW An open source, Digital Audio Workstation for Windows daw unmaintained,
KHdRecord daw unmaintained,
MixMagic audio mixing program for GNOME, handles large soundfiles daw unmaintained,
QRT QT port of Paul Lansky's Rt realtime soundfile mixer daw unmaintained,
SLab hard-disk recorder, will record up to 64 tracks Graphical user interface, and support to ALSA. No Jack-support. daw unmaintained,
Wired audio/MIDI music production system. Uses JACK. daw midi_software sequencers jack alsa_seq unmaintained, , , , ,
XO Wave Java-based hard-disk recording/editing system Project is discontinued. New project for same people is Xonami daw unmaintained,
apps/daw_apps.1395085999.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/03/17 20:53 by j_e_f_f_g